DeviceFarmer / stf

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All app minimize on stop controlling #774

Closed your-it closed 1 month ago

your-it commented 1 month ago

What is the issue or idea you have? After controlling a device, when I stop all app minimize on that device. I want the last app to remain open.

Does it only happen on a specific device? Please run adb devices -l and paste the corresponding row. No all.

Please provide the steps to reproduce the issue. Use device, stop device

What is the expected behavior? I have it running in docker, with the command --no-cleanup. Thought that would do the trick, but it isn't. Is there somewhere a setting to disable this? Or somewhere else to change that?

Do you see errors or warnings in the stf local output? If so, please paste them or the full log here.

Please run stf doctor and paste the output here.

denis99999 commented 1 month ago

@your-it , try --no-screen-reset or --screen-reset false option!

your-it commented 1 month ago

Works, thanks! <3