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Making Cuffs bindable? Ideas plox. #51

Closed Coopervane closed 8 years ago

Coopervane commented 10 years ago

Soo, arm and leg cuffs then, they seem a bit wasted beeing just decorative items don't they? So let's toss out some ideas for how they could be made into temporarily bindable items.

The first thought that comes to my mind is to make them similar to the Armbinder, but not identical.

This includes them having 2 states: Worn, Worn+bound.

Cuffs will lock on as normal, you can wear them just as you can now as a decorative item, and a key is required to remove them. But they can also be locked togeather as a restraint, this can be done by the player via the inventory options, or it can be done by an NPC interaction similar to how Zen's gag-quest does the armbinder-tighten thing (this also lets mods like Helpless do some fun things with them).

When locked:

LegCuffs apply the "Slow-Move" and "No-Sprint" effects, but do not prevent inventory access or all the rest (you don't need legs for that).

ArmCuffs will apply a bound anim and work similar to the Armbinder (no sprint, no inventory, no fighting etc etc).

Getting out of them is the problem. I do not feel this should require a key, one is already needed to get the cuffs off, so i think we're looking at the Armbinder system again. Either struggle with them long enough, or ask a freindly NPC for help.


LLkoffii commented 10 years ago

Is there any way to make the leg cuffs replace the walk animation and make the character hop around instead? ^_^

docclox commented 10 years ago

Do we have a hopping animation to use?

If we're talking about making one, a hobble walk might be better, with tiny little steps :)

Coopervane commented 10 years ago

There is, if we just had the animations..

Same for armcuffs, it would be cool to bind the hands at the front isntead of the back, so the player could still use a one-handed weapon with some trouble, but it would require all new combat animations.

This team could certainly use a talented animator..

MinLL commented 10 years ago

Keep in mind, that most devices are intended to be wearable long-term, without ruining the player's ability to actually play the game. "Encouraged" playstyle changes are fine: Moving at 10% speed due to bunny-hopping is not. :-P

Coopervane commented 10 years ago

Indeed Min, which is why it is vital that they can still be worn unbound just as now.

But getting them bound by a bandit is no different than if the same bandit gave you an armbinder, it's a temporary hurdle that you have to escape. Mods are doing this already (handing out armbinders, that is), so adding a similar functionality to the cuffs really woulden't change much as far as i can tell.

LLkoffii commented 10 years ago

I don't think they need to slow the player down quite that much, we could make a bunny-hopping animation to match walking speed quite believably I think. It would be fun if we could also replace the sprinting animation to make an even faster bunny hop to match ordinary running speed.

The hobble-steps Doc mentioned could be at 10% and replace the normal walk. So we'd need three animations in all: hobble walk - 10%, replaces normal walk bunny hop - normal walk speed, replaces normal run, moderate ragdoll chance fast bunny hop - normal run speed, replaces sprint, high chance of ragdolling, drains stamina :)

And yeah, cuffs are designed for long-term wear, but in their bound state they would effectively become restrictive devices like armbinders.

I could probably make the animations if I can get hold of a good tutorial, or failing that with some handholding from the ZAP guys. Emphatically: this will take time.

MordSif commented 10 years ago

Well, now that I'm feeling a bit better and about to start playing again today, thought I might as well get around to setting up an account here.

Wrist cuffs: I love the idea of having them linked or unlinked. An enemy clipping them together before a scene would be fantastic if there's no armbinder handy, and having to struggle out of them if they're behind your back in a similar way to the binder would be fine. I admit I'm more excited by the idea of having them in front of you, though. I've spent some fun times doing chores around the house with wrists bound before and I would love to get that kind of thing in Skyrim. Animations, obviously, are the problem.

For combat, would two-handed animations work? There would need to be sheathe/unsheathe anims done - for different weapon placements - but the two-hander swings might be ok even for one-handers, and dual casting for magic if the cuffs allow magic use. Also crafting stuff. It would be technically possible to use an alchemy station or an enchanting table, less so a forge, but the animations wouldn't work. I remember from wearing the cuffs in ZaZ that interacting with anything like that breaks the bound state and you had to go into your inventory to re-equip them after. It might be better to just disable their use.

I do think a good first step is the ability to link the cuffs behind the back, either by choice in the inventory menu or by force courtesy of a baddie. The bound sex anims are already there in ZaZ. There would just need to be a struggle free animation - adapted from the armbinder one maybe - and it could work similar to the binder so it wouldn't end up making long-term wear a chore.

TheKimy commented 10 years ago

I'd love to have the locked gloves as a long-term wearable restraint that would allow you to continue gameplay somewhat normally. It would be awesome if you could still use some weapons (realistically that would mean brawling, spell casting and one-hand weapons, maybe even two handed) with some sort of penalties. Bound wrists in front still leave you with a surprising amount of options (I did stuff like house cleaning in handcuffs too - yes, you definitely feel restrained, but you still can get the job done! giggles), so allowing limited combat would be realistic enough. I have no idea how hard it would be to design animations for that, though. It would just be completely awesome to have it.

If that's not an option, an armbinder like mechanism would be still better than nothing. Baddies would go "Girl, these gloves aren't sitting right, let me fix that!" and lock her up. Perhaps there would be an increased chance of people making use of her, Deviously Helpless style. I guess some people would be tempted when spotting a girl wearing an open pair of handcuffs on one wrist... :p Locked gloves could then trigger a mini quest that would make the player have to look for help or other means to unlock them. Even just requiring an additional key to unlock the gloves would be something that would make the player motivated to get out of the gloves.

Either solution would at least address the current issue with the cuffs - they are simply not annoying enough to make people want to get rid of them. While most DD items are meant for long term wear, this shouldn't mean they shouldn't be a nuisance to wear. I think locked gloves with limited combat could be one of the most interesting DD items we have so far.

Versh commented 9 years ago

Uhm... I'm thinking about something a bit out of the line... Why not a "magnetic trick" for event? I know that is more a Sci-fi thing, but we talk about a world where there's the magic.. so: why not? or something similar

Something that force the player Hands in variable Offset by the Zaz offset Like: Hands back, release... Hands Yoke offset... Release... release... release... Slave posture offest (the hands that hold the forearms)... release

The offset of arms avoid the player to change the combat state (like a yoke) only if active, so It isn't very restrictive but only "possible" by the event probability setted by player

For the legs I was thinking about the Fnis Sexy Move: Force a walk type, but this will required a compatibility or an emulation, we should ask to Fore...

Is something like the Slave is commanded by an "ghost master"... eventually adding the possibility to try to resist.