Devographics / StateOfCSS-2019

The State of CSS website - 2019 edition
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State of CSS feedback #29

Closed SachaG closed 3 years ago

SachaG commented 5 years ago

You can preview the State of CSS results here:

Feedback welcome! By the way, although this link is "public" please avoid sharing it on social media. We don't want to spoil the launch :)

SachaG commented 5 years ago

A short list of what's not complete/up to date as of right now (so you can ignore it/come back to it later):

Everything else should be good to go!

loklaan commented 5 years ago

😍 Looks so good, congratulations! Can tell you & Raphaël have been polishing this for a while.

Some things I noticed that may need revisiting:

davidluhr commented 5 years ago

Woo! So excited for all this hard work to be shown to world. Congrats and thanks again for all the value this will provide to the community.

I found a couple areas of improvement for accessibility:


  1. The pink color used for links and parts of the logo has 3.73:1 contrast with the background. Changing the color from #ec2f95 to #f055a9, or increasing the HSL lightness from 55% to 64% would ensure a minimum 4.5:1 contrast ratio.
  2. Also related to links: Links that don't have an underline by default must have a 3:1 contrast with the surrounding normal text color. This, in conjunction with 4.5:1 contrast with the background, can be very hard to achieve (only certain color combinations even make this possible). Because of this, I would recommend displaying an underline on the links by default to ensure there is sufficient visual affordance. I understand this would require some rethinking for the beautiful hover animation.
  3. The <h1 class="Sidebar__Logo__Wrapper Logo__Wrapper"> contains multiple <a> tags and some block level elements, such as <button>. Additionally, there is no actual heading text within the <h1>, as it's being used as a layout container. I would recommend having a visually-hidden <h1>State of CSS 2019</h1> so there is a clear, concise heading for the entire page, and making .Sidebar__Logo__Wrapper.Logo__Wrapper a <div> for styling.
    1. Typically, visually-hidden text that is still accessible to screen reader users is handled like so:
      .screen-reader-only {
      padding: 0;
      width: 1px;
      height: 1px;
      position: absolute;
      clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
      clip-path: inset(0px 0px 99.9% 99.9%);
      overflow: hidden;
      border: 0;
  4. Related to the logo markup, it's best for links and buttons to contain actual text that describes their purpose. The links and buttons that wrap SVGs would benefit from some visually-hidden text that clearly describes their function.
  5. Similarly, all decorative SVGs should have role="presentation" or aria-hidden="true" to remove them from the Accessibility Object Model (AOM). This prevents screen readers from announcing irrelevant information. I see that this is being done on the social sharing button icons, which is great. However, it looks like these links have an empty aria-label (maybe a data-binding issue?). I would instead recommend including visually-hidden text inside of the links and ensuring that this text is rendered to the DOM.
  6. The custom language switcher dropdown cannot be accessed via keyboard navigation and is not announced by screen readers. Since accessibility for dropdowns can be quite tricky to achieve, I would recommend using a well-vetted accessible dropdown, such as the one from Reach UI:
  7. <div class="Sidebar Sidebar--hidden"> would benefit from being a <nav> element.
  8. It's hard to say, but either <div class="pagelayout__content"> or <div class="pagelayout__main"> would benefit from being a <main> element (the markup/layout structure is unique so this is a tough call).

Home page

  1. The <div class="Logo__Container Logo--l"> can benefit from aria-hidden="true", since it is decorative.
  2. In the main text content, there are several <h3> headings, but no <h2> exists on the page. These headings can use <h2> instead.

That's everything I noticed on an initial pass. The site overall looks great and I can't wait to go through all the amazing content! Also, huge props for creating dedicated keyboard focus styles 🙌

SachaG commented 5 years ago

@loklaan thanks, I fixed most of these!

@davidluhr wow, thanks so much for the detailed review! A few thoughts/questions:

tmeasday commented 5 years ago

This is great! I spotted a layout bug (ha!):


PS I wonder if that chart is a bit misleading as it is a ranking of the frameworks but it looks like a graph so implies something quantitive. At the very least it would be good to get the raw number when you hover -- the chart tells me for instance than emotion has a better satisfaction rating than styled-components, but is it close? What are the actual numbers?

plouc commented 5 years ago

@tmeasday, thank you for your feedback!

We're planning to add the actual values to this chart as it can be misleading because sometime the gap is small between 2 technologies.

davidluhr commented 5 years ago

@SachaG You're most welcome. I'm very excited to see this come together!

SachaG commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I'll try that. Btw check your Twitter DMs :)

AntonioAsr commented 4 years ago

He guys, Great job on this repo, is really inspiring. Just a quick question, why use scss + styled components instead of creating containment and line breaking in styled components? Again, thanks for sharing this repo I am learning loads from it <3

SachaG commented 4 years ago

@AntonioAsr basically we improve things a little bit every time we do a new survey, for example check where we use Styled Components more.