Devographics / StateOfJS-legacy

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Demographics vs connections data consistency #138

Open MarcLoupias opened 5 years ago

MarcLoupias commented 5 years ago


thanks for this great survey, i was waiting it for weeks !

But i have a big question regarding data consistency in the connections page.

How it is possible to survey 20K developers and to get 92 681 React users displayed in the chart ?

I probably don't understand something but i can't figure out what is it.

SachaG commented 5 years ago

I agree it's a little weird, but it's the number of connections, not the number of developers. Maybe @plouc can explain better.

MarcLoupias commented 5 years ago

Ok i get it, it's not 92 681 React users but 92 681 answers for React + something else.

MarcLoupias commented 5 years ago

This is still super weird to me. If i took the React and ES6 connections in the graph, how it is possible to get a so small portion of React Users using ES6 ?

And more, how it is possible to not get 100% of TypeScript users using ES6 ? If you are using TypeScript you are using ES6, it is a superset.

Same on angular which is bundled with TypeScript by default, ...

This graph is confusing.

SachaG commented 5 years ago

Don't forget the data comes from people's answers, it's not going to be perfect.