Devographics / surveys

YAML config files for the Devographics surveys
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State of CSS 2022 Questions: help us create the survey outline #1

Open SachaG opened 2 years ago

SachaG commented 2 years ago

This year we are very lucky to have @LeaVerou participate in the survey design process. You can review the initial survey outline we came up with together here (new questions are marked with a 2022 tag):

And find the YAML file here:

Note that this is a starting point, and we value any feedback/suggestions about what to change, keep or remove.

What's New

An overview of the main changes so far:

New Features

Under Consideration

Some new CSS features (such as CSS nesting) were considered but are not currently included due to the lack of a MDN page, CanIUse page, or just very limited browser support (which are not necessarily disqualifying factors, but are still indicators that it might be too early to include a feature in the survey).

Still to do:


See also this thread discussing improving the UI for features/libraries questions.

quarkstuff commented 2 years ago

[ Request ]

Add UnoCSS and Twind to the survey

Stars Name
5.9k UnoCSS CSS-in-JS The instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
2.5k Twind CSS-in-JS The smallest, fastest, most feature complete Tailwind-in-JS solution in existence.
argyleink commented 2 years ago
  1. maybe add media query ranges? @media (240px < width < 720px) syntax
  2. gradient color spaces? linear-gradient(in lch, rebeccapurple, hotpink)
  3. subgrid?
  4. overscroll-behavior?
  5. @container

YAML link was 404 so I couldn't scrub my suggestions against it..

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

@argyleink These are great! Container queries and subgrid are already there I believe. Could you please create new issues for these suggestions so we can keep track of them separately?

argyleink commented 2 years ago

if this is the yaml file, then subgrid and container queries was in there 👍🏻

added the others as requested!

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

Locked conversation to encourage separate issues for suggestions.