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Should we ask about HTML features? #11

Closed LeaVerou closed 2 years ago

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

The current survey asks about tabindex and ARIA. These don't seem to fit the general CSS theme, and seem a little out of place. Should we continue to include them?

Relevant: would it make sense to have an HTML survey? (could ask about web components too)

(Split off from #2)

Schweinepriester commented 2 years ago

Should we continue to include them?

would it make sense to have an HTML survey?

I would like to see either - but not simply removing them.

I said "State of HTML & CSS" before, which would make it official (even though it probably doesn't ring as nice), but its own survey for HTML would be nice as well.

Perhaps next year as, in addition to what we already could ask about today, there seems to be a good chunk of stuff (potentially) coming, which might be closely related to JS/other stuff, but still is HTML, e.g.:

SachaG commented 2 years ago

I feel like a survey just for HTML might be too niche and not generate as much interest? But who knows, if HTML does start introducing new features at a faster pace like @Schweinepriester is suggesting then maybe I'm wrong?

wkillerud commented 2 years ago

I agree that asking about tabindex and aria-attributes seem a bit out of place in this context. While important for accessibility, they aren't all that visual (unless used as selectors I guess).

As for HTML features in general, I don't think a blanket "no HTML in a CSS survey" is the right way to go. I'd be interested to learn from the community how styling <selectmenu> works for them down the line, for instance.

SebastianZ commented 2 years ago

I'd say, if those HTML features tangent CSS, like the inert attribute, for example, then yes. Otherwise it's somewhat unrelated.

Though I agree with @Schweinepriester that just removing them without substitution would be bad. But maybe with all the discussions happening the Open UI group and HTML in general, there could be an HTML survey at some point.


LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

@wkillerud Styling <selectmenu> is about CSS, not HTML. Another reason to remove the HTML questions is that we are getting a lot of excellent suggestions for CSS features to add, and something's gotta give if we don't want to end up with a super long survey that nobody can manage to finish.

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

RESOLVED to remove: