Devographics / surveys

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Idea: Provide a post survey call to action #44

Open djaddison opened 2 years ago

djaddison commented 2 years ago

What if there was a post survey prompt "What's next? Here is a list of places where people can go to engage in css discussion and discourse"?

Opportunity for direct user engagement or user interviews?

SachaG commented 2 years ago

I feel like there would be the risk of appearing like we're not respectful of people's time, but I'm open to suggestions.

djaddison commented 2 years ago

My sense is that it would come down to messaging. One of those devil in the details type of things. As I write this, my thoughts are around making connections, continuing a dialog, community, "for those that are interested", and highlighting resources that some might not be aware of.

Given the people working on the survey, my guess is that you all have a unique vantage point in the industry and have a good understanding where things happen.

What if it was something simple like:

<some sort of thank you message for completing the survey> "You made it to the end! Looking for more? Do you love surveys? Are you really excited about reading meeting minutes to discover the next big css feature? Or, maybe you enjoy active discussion on discord? Here are some additional resources if you're interested in learning more about the css community:" <a small curated list of resources>

The above is super cheesy and likely the wrong tone, but hopefully it illustrates the point.

LeaVerou commented 2 years ago

There are so many links to CSS resources though, what would make this special?

djaddison commented 2 years ago

When thinking through an end-to-end experience, I like to think of it as a conversation

  1. "Hi! Are you interested in taking a survey?". Respondent discovers the survey. It's unknown how much context they have at this point.
  2. "Welcome to the survey site. Here is a brief introduction". At some point they land on the survey site's landing page. An opportunity to orient the respondent and give them a high level overview that hopefully motivates them to continue forward.
  3. "Would you be willing to share your thoughts and experience using css?". Taking the survey
  4. "Thanks for taking the time to share". Showing gratitude for their time
  5. "If you're interested in learning more..." Giving an interested person a path forward

It's similar to when you're in a meeting and someone gives next steps. Or, when you're saying goodbye to a family member and you highlight when you'll see them next.

What makes it special is that out of all the resources available (sea of the internet), a few highlighted and highly contextual links can be provided giving a respondent a directed path forward. This also signals that their engagement matters beyond a survey. This has the added bonus for new joiners (ex: early career) as it starts to form connections in the community.

For myself, the desired links would be where the conversation continues. For example, if implementers use this information to drive conversation, then having a link to those forums (if appropriate).

Example of my desired connections:

SachaG commented 2 years ago

Well, currently the "thank you" page is already pretty busy with sharing links. We could also add a link to our Discord I guess?

I think what you're talking about would be better addressed by adding links to the survey results themselves, since they're seen by an order of magnitude more people than actually take the survey. But that too is already pretty full of various links so I don't know if we want to add even more…

Anyway I'll keep all this in mind, thanks for the suggestion :)

djaddison commented 2 years ago

Seems reasonable :)