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Freeform questions: discourage non-meaningful answers #64

Closed SachaG closed 1 year ago

SachaG commented 1 year ago

Currently when asking people e.g. what pain points they have with CSS, we get a lot of answers such as "nothing really", "none that I can think of", etc. which pollute the data.

It would be good to find a way to discourage that and let people know they can just leave the questions blank.

huijing commented 1 year ago

Currently WIP

CSS pain points

These refer to CSS that already has been spec-ed out, but either not supported by browsers, or there are aspects of its usage that are unwieldy for certain use-cases

  1. Lack of subgrid support
  2. Lack of masonry support
  3. Variables in media queries
  4. Flexbox gap support
  5. Lack of support for leading-trim
    • Resolves common complaints about text not looking vertically centred due to extra space reserved by the default line height
    • Background (optional but nice for context)
      • The way leading is calculated today was defined when CSS first debuted back in 1996, where the browsers would split the leading in half and put it above and below each line in order to avoid uneven bounding boxes
      • But every font has a different default line-height which is usually taller than the text it contains to accommodate accents or special characters, so this plus the half-leading leads to a lot of uncontrollable spacing issues
  6. Detect when element position: sticky is active
  7. Styling of grid lines
  8. Parent selectors

CSS missing features

These are more wishlist style ideas that do not exist at all at the moment

  1. Native support for visually hidden content
    • Currently, most developers have a go-to set of styles to implement visually-hidden styling to content that does not display for visual users but are still detectable by assistive technologies
    • A native CSS implementation would be a nice-to-have for this use-case
  2. Alt text for generated content
    • Currently, generated content is still being factored into accessible name computation so it would be nice if we could either exclude it, or better yet, provide an accessible name instead
  3. Animation of height to auto
  4. Anchored positioning
  5. Flex wrapping detection
  6. More than 2 pseudo-elements per element
  7. SVG-in-CSS
    • The ability to use inline SVGs within CSS itself, e.g. for background would allow us more granular control of the SVG’s styles
    • Currently, we can only add the inline SVG to the markup and apply CSS from there
SachaG commented 1 year ago

Those are good lists but I feel like they might both converge a bit too much? By that I mean that a couple items in the "pain points" list are actually missing features too, or else browser incompatibility issues (which are covered by yet another question).

Specifically, I think that the following could be in the "missing features" list:

The following feel more like "browser interoperability" items:

And leading-trim could be a full-fledged feature if there's already a spec for it?

But at the end of the day, maybe it doesn't make sense for the "pain points" question to have predefined options? Maybe a better way to do it would be to 1) ask about browser interop issues; 2) ask about missing features, and only then 3) ask about other pain points in a freeform field, meaning that we would hopefully select out any answers that fall into categories 1) and 2) and get better that for that question?

SachaG commented 1 year ago

Also I think we can probably keep Scoping and Mixins in missing features?

huijing commented 1 year ago

Also I think we can probably keep Scoping and Mixins in missing features?

Ah, that actually fits well. Let's do it.

Let me re-arrange and tweak the list some more based on your response.

SachaG commented 1 year ago

Switching to a "predefined options + other… option" format which I think will solve the issue of people answering "none".