Devsh-Graphics-Programming / Nabla

Vulkan, OptiX and CUDA Interoperation Modular Rendering Library and Framework for PC/Linux/Android
Apache License 2.0
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Logging nbl::video device call failures #684

Open Erfan-Ahmadi opened 2 months ago

Erfan-Ahmadi commented 2 months ago


Many device functions return a boolean to indicate a successful call to lower level api (Vulkan) function. But the return value is often ignored making it hard to debug the cause of the problem. Even if not ignored, simply returning false on a failure doesn't help much pinpointing the exact cause. There is also createXXX functions that may return nullptr due to reasons such as invalid creation params for example inside ILogicalDevice::createFramebuffer

if (!params.validate())
    return nullptr;

may fail due to 30+ reasons specified in vulkan specification and handled manually in IFramebuffer::SCreationParams::validate

that's why we need to "error log" the exact cause of the failure each time we return false on device calls


use system::logger_opt_ptr m_logger in ILogicalDevice` to log every possible scenario that fails.

devshgraphicsprogramming commented 2 months ago

Btw it would be enough to just

log("Short Message: `%s` in `%s` at line %p.",system::ILogger::ELL_ERROR,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);

Instead of writing custom exact log messages, because we're an Open Source project, source is there and the extended comments about why something fails are in the source anyway.

devshgraphicsprogramming commented 2 months ago

now thinking of it, it would be useful to also have an _NBL_COMMIT_HASH_ in there too in case someone runs non-development exes without a local copy of the source

Erfan-Ahmadi commented 2 months ago

Exactly what i was thinking about