Devsh-Graphics-Programming / Nabla

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Got sampled images working. Samplers are next #693

Open Fletterio opened 2 months ago

Fletterio commented 2 months ago


Writing the necessary stuff so that we can have decoupled image/samplers in bindings


I changed example 07 a little bit and it runs normally. If you remove the sampler from the equation it doesn't forward any to the vk write

TODO list:

If you still provide a sampler in the DescWrite, it will be forwarded to Vulkan (the current way stuff works is that if the type's category is image and you provide samplers, they will be sent). I think this is not an issue because if the VkDescriptorType of the write is VK_SAMPLED_IMAGE the samplers of the image info are ignored. However it makes no sense to give samplers to an image info for a sampled image descriptor. If necessary I can make it generate a warning or fail

devshgraphicsprogramming commented 2 months ago

However it makes no sense to give samplers to an image info for a sampled image descriptor. If necessary I can make it generate a warning or fail

Its necessary for us to ignore the sampler as well, because otherwise we write it into the lifetime tracking of the pool.

Fletterio commented 2 months ago

I'll see when it gets lifetime tracked then and have it be ignored at that point

devshgraphicsprogramming commented 1 week ago

btw your dxc submodule is not inline with the one on master, please fix so there's no difference