When We want to seek the video during small screen view, the entire screen moves away with the video. Also while moving the screen the videos keeps seeking.
Here is a code which might help to resolve the issue athttps://www.student-platform.devtown.in/video
<!DOCTYPE html>
When We want to seek the video during small screen view, the entire screen moves away with the video. Also while moving the screen the videos keeps seeking. Here is a code which might help to resolve the issue at https://www.student-platform.devtown.in/video <!DOCTYPE html>
Video Player with Seek Bar
**Here is the Video
Uploading Issue with Video Screen Shifting.mp4…
with the following issue** https://github.com/Devtown-India/Python-for-Data-Science-/assets/148073630/41f3ba88-c4eb-4297-8545-562d3a582034