DevvitIO / Devvit_2.0

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Add About Devvit Page #3

Open Tor020 opened 6 years ago

Tor020 commented 6 years ago

Text to be incorporated explaining the origin of Devvit

This is something I will do myself eventually. I'm making an issue for it as a reminder for myself or so that someone else could do it if they wanted to.

Somewhat relevant previous context below is an Opensource Community

Link to original reddit post for this Discord

Text to be incorporated from here

What is this? The short version

A moderated place developers can talk in a live chatroom setting with other developers.

Optionally contribute to opensource projects to learn and become better developers as well as network.

No participation requirements, simple code of conduct for rules, you get as much out of it as you put into it.



Things to Contribute to

What is this? The long version

A little while back these got posted 1 [2] ( I didn't start these posts but I joined the discord of the guy who did. When I joined the discord basically there was something like people in it and no structure or plan in place, the guy who made the discord had never used discord before had no idea how to set anything up and nobody else was volunteering, or really even talking. I volunteered and started to structure stuff about 2 weeks later, now we have

So to paint you a vivid picture of why i did this I need to explain a little bit about me.

When I was brand new, I really wanted a place like an oldschool chatroom from AOL / IRC where actual developers were to talk to and or just you know...Be a fly on the wall and see what professional developers were saying about stuff, observe them in their natural habitat maybe I could even ask them a question that i couldn't figure out without getting laughed out the room, but if i did get laughed out of the room, well at least i might learn something in the process better to try and fail you know?

I looked pretty hard but I never found a place like that. Sure there was the FCC gitter, but that really didn't fit what I was after, it just didn't feel professional or organized to me. Everything else was either 0 population or me trying to fit a circle peg into a square hole ie: the FCC gitter.

So thats why I volunteered and started structuring it all. I wanted a thing that didn't seem to be anywhere and rather than drop it, I figured i'd just make it happen myself. something something, if you want something done right etc. So here we are with stuff people can contribute to, channels for people who want to chat in the discord about things related to Web development. A place for people to network.