DewGew / DZGA-Flask

Domoticz Google Assisting using Flask
GNU General Public License v3.0
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room and nicknames are not saved after being entered in gui #92

Closed vreesie18 closed 4 months ago

vreesie18 commented 5 months ago

I tried to enter room and nickname for my devices in the web gui but nothing is saved.

Q2: what is the proper place in the json for the room attribute ? I am writing conversion software for my dzga config to flask config.

Many thanks in advance.

Regards, Andre

DewGew commented 5 months ago

When you click save, it saves to the database, but you need to sync devices berfore it shows in the ui.(small bug)

DewGew commented 5 months ago

"roomHint": "kitchen" in json file

vreesie18 commented 4 months ago

Where is the data like nicknames and rooms stored ? I wrote a script to convert my dzga config to flask config but I saw that my converted nicknames and rooms disappeared after a sync.

"OnOff_8653": { "id": "Tuin_Licht", "type": "action.devices.types.LIGHT", "traits": [ "action.devices.traits.OnOff" ], "name": { "name": "Tuinlampen", "nicknames": [ "Tuin Licht" ] }, "willReportState": true, "attributes": [], "customData": { "dzTags": false, "idx": "8653", "domain": "OnOff", "protected": false }, "notificationSupportedByAgent": false, "roomHint": "xxxyyyzzz1c"

DewGew commented 4 months ago

Its saved in a database /instance/db.sqlite

vreesie18 commented 4 months ago

Check that works! Thanks!