DexPatcher / dexpatcher-gradle

Modify Android applications at source-level in Android Studio
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error: resource 'drawable/$avd_hide_password__0' has invalid entry name '$avd_hide_password__0'. Invalid character '$avd_hide_password__0'. #22

Closed Lanchon closed 5 years ago

Lanchon commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: solution here

so far this is caused by the same 6 files in all apps i've seen. i suppose these malformed files come from a google library.

these files are part of two very similar and complementary animated vector drawables:

1) avd_show_password

==> res/drawable-v21/avd_show_password.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <animated-vector android:drawable="@drawable/$avd_show_password__0"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="">
        <target android:name="eye_mask" android:animation="@drawable/$avd_show_password__1" />
        <target android:name="strike_through" android:animation="@drawable/$avd_show_password__2" />

==> res/drawable-v21/$avd_show_password__0.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <vector android:height="24.0dip" android:width="24.0dip" android:viewportWidth="24.0" android:viewportHeight="24.0"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="">
        <path android:name="strike_through" android:pathData="@string/path_password_strike_through" android:strokeColor="@android:color/white" android:strokeWidth="1.8" android:strokeLineCap="square" />
            <clip-path android:name="eye_mask" android:pathData="@string/path_password_eye_mask_strike_through" />
            <path android:name="eye" android:fillColor="@android:color/white" android:pathData="@string/path_password_eye" />

==> res/drawable-v21/$avd_show_password__1.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <objectAnimator android:interpolator="@android:interpolator/fast_out_linear_in" android:duration="@integer/show_password_duration" android:valueFrom="@string/path_password_eye_mask_strike_through" android:valueTo="@string/path_password_eye_mask_visible" android:valueType="pathType" android:propertyName="pathData"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="" />

==> res/drawable-v21/$avd_show_password__2.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <objectAnimator android:interpolator="@android:interpolator/fast_out_linear_in" android:duration="@integer/show_password_duration" android:valueFrom="1" android:valueTo="0" android:propertyName="trimPathEnd"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="" />

2) avd_hide_password

==> res/drawable-v21/avd_hide_password.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <animated-vector android:drawable="@drawable/$avd_hide_password__0"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="">
        <target android:name="eye_mask" android:animation="@drawable/$avd_hide_password__1" />
        <target android:name="strike_through" android:animation="@drawable/$avd_hide_password__2" />

==> res/drawable-v21/$avd_hide_password__0.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <vector android:height="24.0dip" android:width="24.0dip" android:viewportWidth="24.0" android:viewportHeight="24.0"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="">
        <path android:name="strike_through" android:pathData="@string/path_password_strike_through" android:strokeColor="@android:color/white" android:strokeWidth="1.8" android:trimPathEnd="0.0" android:strokeLineCap="square" />
            <clip-path android:name="eye_mask" android:pathData="@string/path_password_eye_mask_visible" />
            <path android:name="eye" android:fillColor="@android:color/white" android:pathData="@string/path_password_eye" />

==> res/drawable-v21/$avd_hide_password__1.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <objectAnimator android:interpolator="@android:interpolator/fast_out_slow_in" android:duration="@integer/hide_password_duration" android:valueFrom="@string/path_password_eye_mask_visible" android:valueTo="@string/path_password_eye_mask_strike_through" android:valueType="pathType" android:propertyName="pathData"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="" />

==> res/drawable-v21/$avd_hide_password__2.xml <==

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <objectAnimator android:interpolator="@android:interpolator/fast_out_slow_in" android:duration="@integer/hide_password_duration" android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="1" android:propertyName="trimPathEnd"
      xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="" />

the problematic $avd_(show|hide)_password__<n>.xml files of these composite resources are never referenced from code. they are only referenced from their corresponding main resource files avd_(show|hide)_password.xml.

this allows a simple workaround: you can manually rename the problematic files to make their names valid, along with their references in the main resource files. you can choose any names you want, but simply removing the dollar signs should be fine.

this workaround is a temporary stopgap measure. i'll be investigating ways to handle these corner cases in a more automated way.

renaudcerrato commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Will look into that.

reed07 commented 5 years ago

Would you be able to elaborate on the workaround of renaming the avd files? At which point in the build process should this be performed--to the source apk? If so, my apk in question has some resources in a binary resources.arsc file which have references to these files. I'm not aware of an easy way to edit an arsc file.

Lanchon commented 5 years ago


take a look at the apk-lib sample: one suproject produces an .apklib file and another consumes it. unlink the 2 projects by feeding the second project the apklib as a file (place it in directory apklib and it will be picked up by default). once you've done that, you can edit the apklib file: the resources are decompiled there. was this clear enough?

Lanchon commented 5 years ago

UPDATE: solution here

Lanchon commented 2 years ago

@eladkarako you are posting on an obsolete thread. which solution did not work? the linked solution is also obsolete. the proper solution is here:

the solution didn't worked for me and I even got the most recent aapt2 binary from

the solution works. if you are using binaries for google then you are not following the instructions. go back and reread the howto.

if you have an issue, please don't resurrect dead obsolete issues: create a new thread describing your particular issue.