DexterInd / GoPiGo3

The GoPiGo3 is a Raspberry Pi Robot!
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Sound Defaults To HDMI in GoPiGo3 Install Over Legacy PiOS #318

Open slowrunner opened 2 years ago

slowrunner commented 2 years ago

The update_gopigo3 install script installs TTS and assumes the base OS defaults to sound output to the headphone jack.

This is not the case with the new Legacy PiOS, which defaults to output to HDMI (and also defaults to pulseaudio). Therefore when installing GoPiGo3 and DI_Sensors software via curl to bash, no sounds will be heard through a speaker attached to the headphone jack.

What I have found to work:

$ echo "defaults.pcm.card 1" > home/pi/asoundrc; echo "defaults.ctl.card 1" >> /home/pi/asoundrc
$ sudo apt purge pulseaudio
$ sudo apt autoremove
$ sudo reboot
jharris1993 commented 2 years ago

Maybe this is not a bad thing as not everyone necessarily wants sound over the audio jack by default.

Isn't there a way to set that preference within raspi-config?

What WOULD be good is for the audio to automatically switch when something is plugged in. Every other device in the Known Universe does this - going back to transistor radios in the '60's.

Of course, this is likely to be a Raspberry Pi issue and not a GoPiGo issue.