DexterInd / GoPiGo3

The GoPiGo3 is a Raspberry Pi Robot!
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WIBNI: C++ EasyGoPiGo3 Class #334

Open slowrunner opened 3 months ago

slowrunner commented 3 months ago

Placeholder Issue: I am working on a limited C++ version of the Python



class EasyGoPiGo3 derived from GoPiGo3 class

TODO Methods: set_speed(speed_in_DPS=150) get_speed() forward(): drive forward - use set_speed() or default: 150 DPS backward(): drive backward stop(): drive_cm(dist_cm, blocking=true) drive_inches(dist_inches, blocking=true) right() : pivot cw around right wheel left(): pivot ccw around left wheel spin_right(): spin in place clockwise spin_left(): spin in place counter-clockwise target_reached(left_tgt_degrees, right_tgt_degrees): use to detect when to stop forward(), backward(), right(), left(), spin_right(), spin_left() and for non-blocking drive_cm() or drive_inches() reset_encoders(): resets both encoders to 0 read_encoders(out:left, out:right, in:units=CM/INCH/DEGREE) read_encoders_average(out:ave, in:units=CM/INCH/DEGREE) turn_degrees(in:deg, blocking=true): left: negative degrees

Not Planned For Initial Version: blinker_on(id:{LEFT,RIGHT} set_left_eye_color(R,G,B) set_right_eye_color(R,G,B) set_eye_color(R,G,B) open_left_eye() open_right_eye() open_eyes() close_left_eye() close_right_eye() close_eyes()