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Raspbian image changes to make it work well with Dexter Industries robots.
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Improved Node-RED support for GrovePi #168

Open chrowe opened 6 years ago

chrowe commented 6 years ago

It is great that Node-RED ships with R4R but it doesn't work with the GrovePi out of the box. It would be great if R4R could come with a newer version of Node-RED and a working GrovePi library installed.


GrovePi Node-RED packages

I have not tried all these yet but I hope at least one works

chrowe commented 6 years ago

I guess Node-RED is just part of Raspian. Any plans to upgrade R4R to run on top of Raspian Stretch? That comes with Node-RED v0.17.4 at least.

chrowe commented 6 years ago

In the short term, it looks like running the official Node-RED Raspberry Pi install script from gives you npm and Node-RED v0.18.4 which in turn enables the "Manage palette" option in the menu. From there you can install any of the above packages. I used and it worked as expected!

CleoQc commented 6 years ago

That's great that it worked! None of us on the team have any experience with Node-RED so this is useful information to us! Thanks a lot!