Deyda / NeverRed

NeverRed's focus is to provide a simple solution to keep standard software up to date without having to package it or search and compare versions on vendor sites.
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NeverRed Updater #70

Closed v1-valux closed 7 months ago

v1-valux commented 7 months ago

I kind of need the possibility to update NeverRed before running.. Did not find anything here quickly so I wrote a little powershell script:

$zipUrl = ""
$zipFileNameNoExt = "NeverRed-master"
$extractPath = "D:\Scripts\NeverRed"

(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($zipUrl, "$extractPath\$")
Expand-Archive -Path $extractPath\$ -DestinationPath $extractPath -Force
Get-ChildItem -Path "$extractPath\$zipFileNameNoExt" -File | Move-Item -Destination "$extractPath\" -Force
Remove-Item "$extractPath\$zipFileNameNoExt" -Force -Recurse

totally can be optimized but that was sufficient for me.

Did I miss something altogether?

Deyda commented 7 months ago

Thescript has an auto update function...why we need it before start ? :-)

v1-valux commented 7 months ago

Mhm, strange.. it was still mentioning a newer version after I started it a multiple. So is the update done by just running the NeverRed.ps1? Or did I modify the shortcut wrongly?

Many thanks for the hint anyways :)

Deyda commented 7 months ago

Ony run the script, adn the he ask u, do u want an update...yes and he download and replace all the files :-)

v1-valux commented 7 months ago

Well, then we need to have a look why it didn't work.. (maybe AV or sth..) Consider this issue closed :)

Thanks for your great work! o7