Deyda / NeverRed

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Teams classic download and installation not working #88

Closed hyper92 closed 2 months ago

hyper92 commented 3 months ago


I tried to Install/Update the Teams classic installation today for our Citrix server but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Download won't be found. We are using Server 2022.

Was there some kind of change or is it impossible to download Teams classic anymore? I tried all rings available.. Of course I was running the latest version.

Best regards

Deyda commented 3 months ago

Plz try again....i cannot revreate the problem in my lab

hyper92 commented 3 months ago

Indeed it's a bit strange.. Our terminal server isn't finding any versions for Teams or Teams 2. I tried with my client PC and there it seems to work.. so I wonder what happened to our termiinal server that it is not working anymore. Any other application is working fine. There is no version info shown when it is trying to check..


After that it downloads just the teamsbootstapper.exe, so compared to my client PC a lot seems to be missing. grafik

For Teams 1 it downloads nothing and it also isn't showing current version or new version when checking. After I downloaded the files from my client device and copied it to the NeverRed Teams directory on the server I was able to install it by skipping the download. It works but still doesn't find any version if I try to check on the server again for current version.

Deleting LastSettings file also doesn't help.. so I guess I can install it like I did now or just try to go back to an older snapshot and look if I still have the issue there and change everything again..

Deyda commented 3 months ago

PowerShell Version 5 or 7....?

Deyda commented 3 months ago

Hmmm it works with PS5 and PS7 for me

hyper92 commented 3 months ago

On my client I used PS5 and it worked and is still working. On server I used PS7 and updated to newest version earlier today. Doesn't work and didn't change anything.. Just now tried it with PS5 on server and it worked.. but only the first time.. after that I have the same problem with PS5 now and it doesn't find current or new version for Teams and Teams 2

Starting downloads...

PS>TerminatingError(): "Cannot find application: MicrosoftTeamsClassic." PS>TerminatingError(): "Failed to retrieve manifest for application: MicrosoftTeamsClassic." Download Microsoft Teams Machine Based Exploration ring x64 Download Version: Current Version: No new version available

Download Microsoft Teams 2 Bootstrapper INFO: @{TotalSize=1,25 MB; Time=00:00:00} Download Microsoft Teams 2 Bootstrapper finished!

Download Microsoft Teams 2 x64 Download Version: Current Version: No new version available

Deyda commented 2 months ago

Solved with version 2.10.40