Dezaimasu / cute-button

Little button to save images and webms in one click.
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Tumblr Photoset Dupe Issue #29

Closed RedBreloom closed 3 years ago

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

I have long been running into an issue of getting a lot of dupilcate versions of one or a few images when using the Cute button on tumblr. I finally realized and managed to recreate the issue consistently: Tumblr phototsets (which is to say, at least 2 images) allow you to click on the right or left side to go forward and back in a set. If you save a picture in that set with the Cute button and then quickly move through to any other image, there is a high chance it will be download duplicate images and not the intended new ones. Sometimes it happened while using the Cute button on other images in the set. Sometimes it seemed to interpret the clicks between pictures as a click on the Cute button for the duplicated picture as well. This seems to be mainly if the cute button is used on other images as well. Let me know if you need any other information.

Also wanted to throw the request of full resolution downloads of the sites zerochan or safebooru if possible? It'd be useful to use the button and also avoid having to click through 2-3 times to download the fullest size version.

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

oh and the save button is located in the lower left part of the photos for me, if that matters at all.

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

I am not sure the status of the bug but I can report that the issue is not present if tumblr photos in a photoset are individually opened and closed between each button download.

Dezaimasu commented 3 years ago

For now you can try "No duplicates" option. I'll get to this bug when I have time.

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

Yeah no worries, just giving extra info. And the bug also ignores 'no dupes' being active.

Dezaimasu commented 3 years ago

About boorus, you were talking about clicking here, on thumbnail in gallery image or here, on still-not-original-size image on its page image Because both are possible, but the button won't appear on small thumbnails with default settings, so I'm not sure which case you were talking about.

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

I was referring to the not-quite-original size images. To save having to click them like three times for the full res once on the page. Thanks btw I really appreciate this button. Especially since firefox doesn't seem to have the simple google chrome shortcut to download on click +alt or something. This is better anyway cos it can pull full-res automatically too for a bunch of sites I use.

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

EDIT: It seems like the cute button [on tumblr] is downloading the thumbnail versions (500px sized ones) for the 'multicolumn' view style specifically. That's the one that shows up when searching through tags and all the pictures are smaller. The 'dashboard feed' view downloads them normally. I'll test if the button still mishandles the photoset pictures sometime soon too.

Dezaimasu commented 3 years ago

Stopped using tumblr long ago, looks like they completely changed url generation algorithm. I'll check what can be done but can't promise anything.

Dezaimasu commented 3 years ago

New version is published, please check if everything works as it should and report any bugs. Keep in mind, button is kinda laggy on tumblr now because I have to make additional request to get original image, and I was too lazy to make it synchronous, but I'll try to fix it asap.

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

I've tested numerous conditions for the image size downloads and have info on all of them pretty much:

Art in photosets that affect the piece's size affect the download size. Example: There are four art pieces are side by side in a photoset and are all auto resized to fit on the post/dash. Downloading from this state (not clicked on for enlarged view) has the image download the photo at the smaller size. I.E.- the 724x500 version will be downloaded even if there is a larger (say, 1000x765) if you click on it. Even minimally resized images will yield the smaller size. Clicking on it and then downloading using the button yields the full res image.

Photosets can duplicate or get confused still, but i found a workaround. If you click on a photoset and download using the button then click on the next image itself (not the current image) to advance and dl, then it works fine.

I appreciate your work on this.

Dezaimasu commented 3 years ago

Could you give me the link for some photoset like that? The problem is, old images and new images have completely different urls, also different pages may have or don't have info about all available sizes, so it's kinda hard to tell what is happening. Also I'm pretty sure my current solution (it works for me at least) won't last long and tumblr will break something again.

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

Yeah tumblr totally rebuilt their dashboard and stuff with React i think? sometime last year.

( Here's a really recent one (3 hours old). I tested on the ones that are cropped/two next to each other for testing. I can find one from a year or two ago if that'd be helpful as well. edit: the link formatting was mixed up so it didn't appear before, fixed.

Dezaimasu commented 3 years ago

Are you sure you're using the latest version, 0.8.0? Because it always downloads full-sized version for me. I even tested it using clean Firefox profile with default settings, still works as intended. What version of Firefox are you using?

RedBreloom commented 3 years ago

Oh huh, I guess it hadn't updated the addon until today. Not sure why it wasn't working right before, but It works now! And is on the newest version. I'm happy about this yay. And hopefully tumblr doesn't break it too soon.