DeznekCZ / zswi_eeg_explorer_2015

EEG signal file browser for NTIS - ZCU
Eclipse Public License 1.0
1 stars 2 forks source link

EEG Reader #9

Closed seky739 closed 9 years ago

seky739 commented 9 years ago

Tady je odkaz na ten git kde je EEG loader

seky739 commented 9 years ago

Takže je potřeba bohužel zkusit přečíst matlabovský skript který provádí merge datového souboru. Jelikož help (L.Vařeka) moc nepomohl ohledně struktur EEG file a jeho pomoc zněla tak si přečtěte ten skript není tak dlouhý a funguje, mě docela konsternovala. Takže ohledně mergingu datového souboru fakt netuším krom toho skriptu .

Tady je celý výpis :

% pop_mergeset() - Merge two or more datasets. If only one argument is given, % a window pops up to ask for more arguments. % Usage: % >> OUTEEG = pop_mergeset( ALLEEG ); % use a pop-up window % >> OUTEEG = pop_mergeset( ALLEEG, indices, keepall); % >> OUTEEG = pop_mergeset( INEEG1, INEEG2, keepall); % % Inputs: % INEEG1 - first input dataset % INEEG2 - second input dataset % % else % ALLEEG - array of EEG dataset structures % indices - indices of EEG datasets to merge % % keepall - [0|1] 0 -> remove, or 1 -> preserve, ICA activations % of the first dataset and recompute the activations % of the merged data {default: 0} % % Outputs: % OUTEEG - merged dataset % % Author: Arnaud Delorme, CNL / Salk Institute, 2001 % % See also: eeglab()

% Copyright (C) 2001 Arnaud Delorme, Salk Institute, % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

% 01-25-02 reformated help & license -ad % 01-26-02 change format for events and trial conditions -ad

function [INEEG1, com] = pop_mergeset( INEEG1, INEEG2, keepall);

com = ''; if nargin < 1 help pop_mergeset; return; end; if isempty(INEEG1) error('needs at least two datasets'); end; if nargin < 2 & length(INEEG1) == 1 error('needs at least two datasets'); end;

if nargin == 1 uilist = { { 'style' 'text' 'string' 'Dataset indices to merge' } ... { 'style' 'edit' 'string' '1' } ... { 'style' 'text' 'string' 'Preserve ICA weights of the first dataset ?' } ... { 'style' 'checkbox' 'string' '' } }; res = inputgui( 'uilist', uilist, 'geometry', { [3 1] [3 1] }, 'helpcom', 'pophelp(''pop_mergeset'')');

if isempty(res) return; end;

INEEG2  = eval( [ '[' res{1} ']' ] );
keepall = res{2};

else if nargin < 3 keepall = 0; % default end; end;

fprintf('Merging datasets...\n');

if ~isstruct(INEEG2) % if INEEG2 is a vector of ALLEEG indices indices = INEEG2; if length(indices) < 2 error('needs at least two datasets'); end;

NEWEEG = eeg_retrieve(INEEG1, indices(1)); % why abandoned?

for index = 2:length(indices)
    INEEG2 = eeg_retrieve(INEEG1, indices(index));
    NEWEEG = pop_mergeset(NEWEEG, INEEG2, keepall); % recursive call

else % INEEG is an EEG struct % check consistency % ----------------- if INEEG1.nbchan ~= INEEG2.nbchan error('The two datasets must have the same number of channels'); end; if INEEG1.srate ~= INEEG2.srate error('The two datasets must have the same sampling rate'); end; if INEEG1.trials > 1 | INEEG2.trials > 1 if INEEG1.pnts ~= INEEG2.pnts error('The two epoched datasets must have the same number of points'); end; if INEEG1.xmin ~= INEEG2.xmin INEEG2.xmin = INEEG1.xmin; fprintf('Warning: the two epoched datasets do not have the same time onset, adjusted'); end; if INEEG1.xmax ~= INEEG2.xmax INEEG2.xmax = INEEG1.xmax; fprintf('Warning: the two epoched datasets do not have the same time offset, adjusted'); end; end;

% Merge the epoch field
% ---------------------
if INEEG1.trials > 1 | INEEG2.trials > 1
    for n = 1:2
        % make sure that both have an (appropriately-sized) epoch field
        % -------------------------------------------------------------
        if ~isfield(INEEGX{n},'epoch')
            INEEGX{n}.epoch = repmat(struct(),[1,INEEGX{n}.trials]);
        % make sure that the epoch number is correct in each dataset
        % ----------------------------------------------------------
        if ~isempty(INEEGX{n}.epoch) && length(INEEGX{n}.epoch) ~= INEEGX{n}.trials
            disp('Warning: The number of trials does not match the length of the EEG.epoch field in one of');
            disp('         the datasets. Its epoch info will be reset and derived from the respective events.');
            INEEGX{n}.epoch = repmat(struct(),[1,INEEGX{n}.trials]);
    for n=1:2
        % purge all event-related epoch fields from each dataset (EEG.epoch.event* fields)
        % --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if isstruct(INEEGX{n}.epoch)
            fn = fieldnames(INEEGX{n}.epoch);
            INEEGX{n}.epoch = rmfield(INEEGX{n}.epoch,{fn{strmatch('event',fn)}});
            % copy remaining field names to the other dataset
            % -----------------------------------------------
            for f = fieldnames(INEEGX{n}.epoch)'
                if ~isfield(INEEGX{3-n}.epoch,f{1})
                    INEEGX{3-n}.epoch(1).(f{1}) = [];
            % after this, both sets have an epoch field with the appropriate number of items
            % and possibly some user-defined fields, but no event* fields.

    % concatenate epochs
    % ------------------
    if isstruct(INEEGX{1}.epoch) && isstruct(INEEGX{2}.epoch)
        if length(fieldnames(INEEGX{2}.epoch)) > 0
            INEEGX{1}.epoch(end+1:end+INEEGX{2}.trials) = orderfields(INEEGX{2}.epoch,INEEGX{1}.epoch);
            INEEGX{1}.epoch(end+1:end+INEEGX{2}.trials) = INEEGX{2}.epoch;
    % and write back
    INEEG1 = INEEGX{1};
    INEEG2 = INEEGX{2};
    INEEGX = {};

% Concatenate data
% ----------------
if INEEG1.trials > 1 | INEEG2.trials > 1,:,end+1:end+size(,3)) =,:,:);
else,end+1:end+size(,2)) =,:);

INEEG1.setname = 'Merged datasets';
INEEG1trials = INEEG1.trials;
INEEG2trials = INEEG2.trials;
INEEG1pnts   = INEEG1.pnts;
INEEG2pnts   = INEEG2.pnts;

if INEEG1.trials > 1 | INEEG2.trials > 1 % epoched data
    INEEG1.trials  =  INEEG1.trials + INEEG2.trials;

else % continuous data
    INEEG1.pnts = INEEG1.pnts + INEEG2.pnts;

if isfield(INEEG1, 'reject')
    INEEG1 = rmfield(INEEG1, 'reject' );
INEEG1.specicaact = [];
INEEG1.specdata = [];

if keepall == 0
    INEEG1.icaact = [];
    INEEG1.icawinv = [];
    INEEG1.icasphere = [];
    INEEG1.icaweights = [];
    if isfield(INEEG1, 'stats')
        INEEG1 = rmfield(INEEG1, 'stats' );
    INEEG1.icaact = [];

% concatenate events
% ------------------
if isempty(INEEG2.event) && INEEG2.trials == 1

    % boundary event
    % -------------
    disp('Inserting boundary event...');
    INEEG1.event(end+1).type    = 'boundary';     % add boundary event between datasets
    INEEG1.event(end  ).latency = INEEG1pnts+0.5; % make boundary halfway between last,first pts

    % check urevents
    % --------------
    if ~isfield(INEEG1, 'urevent'),
        INEEG1.urevent = [];
        fprintf('Warning: first dataset has no urevent structure.\n');

    % add boundary urevent
    % --------------------
    disp('Inserting boundary urevent...');
    INEEG1.urevent(end+1).type    = 'boundary';

    if length(INEEG1.urevent) > 1 % if previous INEEG1 urevents
        INEEG1.urevent(end  ).latency = max(INEEG1pnts, INEEG1.urevent(end-1).latency)+0.5;
        INEEG1.urevent(end  ).latency = INEEG1pnts+0.5;

else % is ~isempty(INEEG2.event)

    % concatenate urevents
    % --------------------
    if isfield(INEEG2, 'urevent')
        if ~isempty(INEEG2.urevent) && isfield(INEEG1.urevent, 'latency')

            % insert boundary event
            % ---------------------
            disp('Inserting boundary event...');
            INEEG1.urevent(end+1).type    = 'boundary';
                INEEG1.urevent(end  ).latency = max(INEEG1pnts, INEEG1.urevent(end-1).latency)+0.5;
                % cko: sometimes INEEG1 has no events / urevents
                INEEG1.urevent(end  ).latency = INEEG1pnts+0.5;

            % update urevent indices for second dataset
            % -----------------------------------------
            disp('Concatenating urevents...');
            orilen    = length(INEEG1.urevent);
            newlen    = length(INEEG2.urevent);
            INEEG2event = INEEG2.event;
            % update urevent index in INEEG2.event
            tmpevents = INEEG2.event;
            nonemptymask = ~cellfun('isempty',{tmpevents.urevent});
            [tmpevents(nonemptymask).urevent] = celldeal(num2cell([INEEG2event.urevent]+orilen));
            INEEG2.event = tmpevents;
            % reserve space and append INEEG2.urevent
            INEEG1.urevent(orilen+newlen).latency = [];
            INEEG2urevent = INEEG2.urevent;
            tmpevents = INEEG1.urevent;
            for f = fieldnames(INEEG2urevent)'
                [tmpevents((orilen+1):(orilen+newlen)).(f{1})] = INEEG2urevent.(f{1}); 
            INEEG1.urevent = tmpevents;
            INEEG1.urevent = [];
            INEEG2.urevent = [];
            fprintf('Warning: second dataset has empty urevent structure.\n');

    % concatenate events
    % ------------------
    disp('Concatenating events...');
    orilen = length(INEEG1.event);
    newlen = length(INEEG2.event);
    %allfields = fieldnames(INEEG2.event);

    % ensure similar event structures
    % -------------------------------
    if ~isempty(INEEG2.event)
        if isstruct(INEEG1.event)
            for f = fieldnames(INEEG1.event)'
                if ~isfield(INEEG2.event,f{1})
                    INEEG2.event(1).(f{1}) = [];
        if isstruct(INEEG2.event)
            for f = fieldnames(INEEG2.event)'
                if ~isfield(INEEG1.event,f{1})
                    INEEG1.event(1).(f{1}) = [];
        INEEG2.event = orderfields(INEEG2.event, INEEG1.event);

    % append
    INEEG1.event(orilen+(1:newlen)) = INEEG2.event;
    INEEG2event = INEEG2.event;
    if isfield(INEEG1.event,'latency') && isfield(INEEG2.event,'latency')
        % update latency
        tmpevents = INEEG1.event;
        [tmpevents(orilen + (1:newlen)).latency] = celldeal(num2cell([INEEG2event.latency] + INEEG1pnts*INEEG1trials));
        INEEG1.event = tmpevents;
    if isfield(INEEG1.event,'epoch') && isfield(INEEG2.event,'epoch')
        % update epoch index
        tmpevents = INEEG1.event;
        [tmpevents(orilen + (1:newlen)).epoch] = celldeal(num2cell([INEEG2event.epoch]+INEEG1trials));
        INEEG1.event = tmpevents;

    % add discontinuity event if continuous
    % -------------------------------------
    if INEEG1trials  == 1 & INEEG2trials == 1
        disp('Adding boundary event...');
        INEEG1.event = eeg_insertbound(INEEG1.event, INEEG1.pnts, INEEG1pnts+1, 0); % +1 since 0.5 is subtracted


INEEG1.pnts = size(,2);

if ~isfield(INEEG1.event,'epoch') && ~isempty(INEEG1.event) && (size(,3)>1 || ~isempty(INEEG1.epoch))
    INEEG1.event(1).epoch = [];

% rebuild event-related epoch fields
% ----------------------------------
disp('Reconstituting epoch information...');
INEEG1 = eeg_checkset(INEEG1, 'eventconsistency');


% build the command % ----------------- if exist('indices') == 1 com = sprintf('EEG = pop_mergeset( %s, [%s], %d);', inputname(1), int2str(indices), keepall); else com = sprintf('EEG = pop_mergeset( %s, %s, %d);', inputname(1), inputname(2), keepall); end


function varargout = celldeal(X) varargout = X;