Open visheshdvivedi opened 4 weeks ago This script uses pandas for data handling and sklearn for machine learning algorithms. We’ll implement a simple approach based on cosine similarity, an efficient algorithm to find movies similar to those you’ve liked in the past. import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
def load_movie_data(file_path): movies = pd.read_csv(file_path) print("Movie data successfully loaded.") return movies
def prepare_data(movies): tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words="english") movies["description"] = movies["description"].fillna("") tfidf_matrix = tfidf.fit_transform(movies["description"] + " " + movies["genres"]) print("Data preparation complete.") return tfidf_matrix
def learn_from_user_history(user_history, movies, tfidf_matrix): liked_movie_indices = movies[movies["title"].isin(user_history)].index user_profile = tfidf_matrix[liked_movie_indices].mean(axis=0) print("User profile created based on past preferences.") return user_profile
def recommend_movies(user_profile, movies, tfidf_matrix, top_n=10): similarity_scores = cosine_similarity(user_profile, tfidf_matrix) similar_movies_indices = similarity_scores.argsort().flatten()[-top_n:] recommendations = movies.iloc[similar_movies_indices][::-1] # Reverse order for descending scores return recommendations[["title", "genres", "description"]]
def main(file_path, user_history): movies = load_movie_data(file_path) tfidf_matrix = prepare_data(movies) user_profile = learn_from_user_history(user_history, movies, tfidf_matrix) recommendations = recommend_movies(user_profile, movies, tfidf_matrix)
print("\nRecommended Movies for You:")
for index, row in recommendations.iterrows():
print(f"Title: {row['title']}\nGenres: {row['genres']}\nDescription: {row['description']}\n")
file_path = "path_to_movie_database.csv" # Replace with your movie database path user_history = ["Movie A", "Movie B", "Movie C"] # Replace with a list of movies you've liked main(file_path, user_history)load_movie_data: This function loads movie data from a CSV file. The CSV file should contain columns like title, genres, and description.
prepare_data: This function uses the TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) technique to create a vectorized model based on each movie's description and genres. This prepares the data for similarity analysis, which is key to determining which movies are similar to your past favorites.
learn_from_user_history: This function builds a "user profile" based on your past movie preferences. It selects the movies you have liked, calculates their average TF-IDF vector, and creates a composite profile that represents your tastes.
recommend_movies: Using cosine similarity, this function calculates the similarity between your user profile and each movie in the database. It then returns a specified number of top movie recommendations (default is 10), sorted by how closely they match your profile.
main: The main function integrates all the previous functions and displays the final movie recommendations. It accepts a file path to your movie dataset and a list of movies you liked in the past.
Instructions for Running the Script Prepare a CSV file with movie data, including columns for title, genres, and description. Save the script as and load it onto GitHub. In the, provide instructions on how to use the script, including details for setting user_history. Run the script, test it with different sets of past favorite movies, and adjust the algorithm as needed to improve recommendations.
Describe the solution you'd like Create a movie recommendation system script in python that learns from my past movie experiences (which i provide to the script or it gets updated with time) and then it recommends the movies I like.
I would like to work on this, so please assign me this issue.