DheerajAgarwal / rgdax

Wrapper for Coinbase pro (erstwhile GDAX) Cryptocurrency exchange
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error with some public_ functions #22

Closed chrisjw18 closed 2 years ago

chrisjw18 commented 2 years ago


Working with rgdax_1.2.1 on Rstudio with the below config: R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit) Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

The majority of the rgdax functions work fine, but the following are creating an error (shown below): public_daystats() public_tickers()

Example call and the error given:

public_ticker(product_id = "BTC-USD") Error in build_url(utils::modifyList(old, new)) : is.character(query) is not TRUE

The same error is shown for both of these functions no matter the coin pair input..

Many thanks with any help on this.


DheerajAgarwal commented 2 years ago

@chrisjw18 I have tried this on the latest and unable to reproduce the issue. When I ran public_ticker and public_daystats after unloading rgdax and re-installing the latest from CRAN, it ran without any issues. Could you try unistalling the module then reinstalling it before trying again and let me know if this still throws up the error.

DheerajAgarwal commented 2 years ago

@chrisjw18 . I was able to reproduce it with some hit and trial. If you install the code from dev branch hopefully the issues should be resolved.

install_github("DheerajAgarwal/rgdax", ref="dev")

I will keep it in dev for some time before pushing it to CRAN.

chrisjw18 commented 2 years ago

Sorry for my slow reply and many thanks - it now works a treat. Great library - thanks for all your work.
