DheerajAgarwal / rgdax

Wrapper for Coinbase pro (erstwhile GDAX) Cryptocurrency exchange
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public_orderbook() issue #23

Open LDleo opened 2 years ago

LDleo commented 2 years ago

Hi @DheerajAgarwal,

thanks for your excellent work on the development of this code. It has been super useful to better manage crypto through R.

I am very new to the package and somewhat to R.

I have been using the function public_orderbook() for the last month or so, but in the last few days it started to show the following error:

Error in (function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 1, 0

I tried to re-install the package, but the error persists. My current version is rgdax_1.2.1.

Please let m know if you have any directions and I appreciate the help.


DheerajAgarwal commented 2 years ago

@LDleo, could you confirm if you are on windows or macOs? Could you also confirm if the error is shown only when it is with default value or if you are passing any argument?

DheerajAgarwal commented 2 years ago

Actually, I was able to recreate the issue. It has to do with the response which has been updated. The conversion from raw to data.frame is failing. I will need to do a bit of research and then push the fix to dev.

LDleo commented 2 years ago

@DheerajAgarwal I saw you were able to replicate the issue. But in case it helps I am in a Mac and using default values. Please let me know if I can be of some help on testing something. Thank you!


konstantinVolkmann commented 2 years ago

@DheerajAgarwal Great code, but I am having the same issue as described above. Using the default or passing an argument (btw I am using Windows).

adamek2120 commented 2 years ago

Same problem with public_orderbook(). Has anyone found a solution ?

ithadal commented 1 year ago

Hi @DheerajAgarwal I hope all is well. I want to thank you for all the work you have been doing on this package. Unfortunately, it appears this issue still persists. I am wondering whether you were able to develop a potential solution.