Dhondtguido / CalculiX

This repository contains the source files of CalculiX, a three-dimensional Finite Element Program (www.calculix.de).
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Strain Energy density Neo Hookean / Mooney Rivlin #35

Closed disla2 closed 1 year ago

disla2 commented 1 year ago

Hello Mr. Dhondt

Strain Energy density final value deviates from analytical solution for hyperelastic models Neo Hookean and Mooney Rivling with (C01=0). Issue could extend to Polynomial and relatives. Analytical solution= 0.525 MPa (Confirmed with Abaqus) Result = 0.79 MPa

Nominal stress and Strain curves agree with expected solution but not the final Strain Energy density computation. As a Hyperelastic model, strain energy density is a potential and I would expect solution only depends on final state (stretch lambda_u and C10 coefficient). I would appreciate if you could look at it.

Forum thread: https://calculix.discourse.group/t/strain-energy-density-neo-hookean-mooney-rivlin/1686

Hyperelastic Neo Hookean Mooney-Rivlin Strain Energy .pdf

`NODE 1,0,0,0.1 2,0,0,0 3,1,0,0.1 4,1,0,0 5,0,-0.1,0.1 6,1,-0.1,0 7,0,-0.1,0 8,1,-0.1,0.1 ELEMENT,TYPE=C3D8 1,6,8,3,4,7,5,1,2 ELSET,ELSET=Hexahedral 1 SURFACE,NAME=Moving_face 1,S1 SURFACE,NAME=Base 1,S2 MATERIAL,NAME=Neo_Hook HYPERELASTIC,NEO HOOKE 900000,2E-10 MATERIAL,NAME=Mooney_Rivlin HYPERELASTIC,MOONEY-RIVLIN 900000,0,2E-10 SOLID SECTION,ELSET=Hexahedral,MATERIAL=Mooney_Rivlin BOUNDARY 1,1,,0 1,2,,0 2,1,,0 2,2,,0 2,3,,0 3,2,,0 4,2,,0 4,3,,0 5,1,,0 6,3,,0 7,1,,0 7,3,,0 AMPLITUDE,NAME=A_1 0,0 500,-0.5 TIME POINTS,NAME=timepointsname 1 STEP,NLGEOM=YES,INC=110,AMPLITUDE=STEP STATIC 5,500,0,5 BOUNDARY,AMPLITUDE=A_1 3,1,,-1 BOUNDARY,AMPLITUDE=A_1 4,1,,-1 BOUNDARY,AMPLITUDE=A_1 6,1,,-1 BOUNDARY,AMPLITUDE=A_1 8,1,,-1 NODE FILE,GLOBAL=YES,TIME POINTS=timepointsname U,RF EL FILE,TIME POINTS=timepointsname S,NOE,ENER,E EL FILE ENER


Dhondtguido commented 1 year ago

Hi disla2, I had a look at this problem. Due to the TIME POINTS parameter the energy is indeed not correctly calculated. I corrected the error, the correction will be available in the next update, probably at the end of July 2023. Thanks for pointing this out,
