DhrBaksteen / ArduinoOPL2

Arduino library for use with the OPL2 board (YM3812) and OPL3Duo (YMF262)
MIT License
195 stars 39 forks source link

Gerber files ? #96

Closed Tesseract-runner closed 7 months ago

Tesseract-runner commented 7 months ago

Hello, thanks for sharing this cool board ! Unfortunately, the shipping fees to my country are prohibitively expensive. Could you share the Gerber files so I can order the PCB from an online manufacturer. Regards

DhrBaksteen commented 7 months ago

Please don't raise issues that are unrleated to the OPL2 Library.

Sorry, gerber files are not shared. The schematics are included in the library, you can use it if you want to design your own PCB.

Tesseract-runner commented 7 months ago

Sorry !