Dhravya / radish

Super fast drop-in replacement of the in memory key-value store Redis, made in Golang
MIT License
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Suggestion #6

Open fafg opened 2 months ago

fafg commented 2 months ago

Could you benchmark against www.dragonflydb.io?

Dhravya commented 2 months ago

Want to run benchmarks for sure! What's the ideal way to do this? Is there any standard practice?

fafg commented 2 months ago

I would start instrumenting your code by implement the metrics (OpenTelemtry), then you will be able to understand how your project behaves.

With that in place, you can write some K6 load tests and execute the same scripts against different projects: Redis, Valkey, and DragonflyDB.

I would start that with docker-compose as well, before a remote test.

fafg commented 2 months ago

Prometheus, Grafana, K6, Golang Open Telemtry SDK and Docker