DiCarloLab-Delft / PycQED_py3

Python3 version of PycQED using QCoDeS as backend
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CC timeout on measure_parity_check_flux_dance #698

Closed wvlothuizen closed 2 years ago

wvlothuizen commented 2 years ago

When running HAL_Device::measure_parity_check_flux_dance, a CC timeout occurs, depending on the value of parameter flux_dance_steps

wvlothuizen commented 2 years ago

A first analysis shows that the .vq1asm program for the CC is huge (>30 MB), and that the internal assembly process inside the CC takes ~12 s per CCIO (running in parallel). Because most of the file consists of comments to assist debugging, a change was made to the CCCore driver to strip comments from the .vq1asm file before transmitting to the CC in order to reduce file size and thus processing time.

@hasali92 can you report here on the success of the change?

hasali92 commented 2 years ago

Hi Wouter, thanks for creating the issue. The changes you made worked. Now, with weight-4 paritty check, i can run up to 7 repeated parity check codewords without any timeout error. I haven't tried more than 7 as 7 for me is enough, but i can do more if you want to see when it is going to fail.

MiguelSMoreira commented 2 years ago

Issue addressed