DiNitride / Discord-Music-Status

A Self-Bot program to display your music from Spotify, iTunes, Winamp, and other music players, as your "Playing" status on Discord
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"No such file or directory" despite completely correct path in config.ini #45

Closed FunctionDJ closed 6 years ago

FunctionDJ commented 6 years ago

My config.ini:

token = [token]
snip = C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\temp\Snip.txt

Console output:

C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\temp\DiscordMusicStatus>python run.py
[2018-01-06 21:25:08.877429] DEBUG: Discord Music: Loading config files
[2018-01-06 21:25:08.880429] INFO: Discord Music: Config loaded
[2018-01-06 21:25:08.881930] INFO: Discord Music: Logging in
[2018-01-06 21:25:15.817797] INFO: Discord Music: Logged in as waffeln with ID [ID]
[2018-01-06 21:25:15.818297] INFO: Discord Music: Ready to start
Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished coro=<music_loop() done, defined at run.py:80> exception=FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory')>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "run.py", line 85, in music_loop
    song = pull_song()
  File "run.py", line 102, in pull_song
    with open(snip, encoding="utf-8") as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\MyName\\Desktop\\temp\\Snip.txt'

Running Python 3.6.4, just freshly installed discord.py and logbook

DiNitride commented 6 years ago

Is Snip running and has the file been created?

FunctionDJ commented 6 years ago

yes to both. snip is running as expected. looking at the error it seems to be an internal formatting issue because of the double slashes //.

DiNitride commented 6 years ago

Double slashes are normal, try moving it to a location that isn't your desktop and try there.