Specimen Data Refinery
Apache License 2.0
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Convert create OpenDS license input to a dropdown #31

Closed benscott closed 2 years ago

benscott commented 2 years ago

Currently the license field in the Create specimen data object tool is free text - but @llivermore do we have a limited type of licenses the SDR will support (CC0, CCBY, CCNC for e.g.?) In which case we should define these, and then change the field to a select list.

benscott commented 2 years ago

Following on from dicussion as today's meeting: Should we use the same licenses as GBIF?

According to this blog post https://data-blog.gbif.org/post/gbif-multimedia/ multimedia licenses are free text - CC0, CCBY, CCBYNC are for the occurrence data only.

But as per FAQs https://www.gbif.org/faq?question=can-i-use-the-images-i-find-via-gbif-org - "data providers includes the URLs of multimedia associated with the records they publish, which are then displayed on GBIF.org."

SDR is not just displaying images - creating derivatives etc., so I think we still need an explicit license type.

wouteraddink commented 2 years ago

I would avoid CCBYNC, as it is against open data principles so we cannot use that licence under DiSSCo. I think it was a mistake in GBIF to allow it, actually.

PaulBrack commented 2 years ago

This is a subset of #23

PaulBrack commented 2 years ago

Added in c2ce2c10f95f6ba2b2f522b93b9678e344de06e3