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Add users for testing on public SDR test server #60

Closed PaulBrack closed 2 years ago

PaulBrack commented 2 years ago

From email:

Paul – please could you set up accounts for Wouter, Jonas, Claus & Sharif on the SDR prototype?

OliverWoolland commented 2 years ago

Intending to automate the addition of users as an Ansible playbook which can be run by an Admin

llivermore commented 2 years ago

Invite the following people for testing:

SDR Project Team

llivermore commented 2 years ago

Need username and email address - will create dummy passwords and email users

llivermore commented 2 years ago

I created a single testing account for Kate (one of the NHM digitisers) with the following test tasks: 1) Login 2) Import a workflow (Telkia's DLA tool and collections) 3) Run a workflow 4) View outputs and download data 5) Copy and edit the “PinnedInsect-TenRow-Example.csv” 6) Repeat steps 3 and 4 using your edited specimen file and make some notes on how good the regions of interest are

If the test tasks work then we will create accounts for the users listed above.

@OliverWoolland depending on how successful the initial testing is, we should try and add shared data and shared workflows to make these steps easier.

Full instructions for the test:

Importing a workflow

  1. Click on the “Workflow” link at the top of the screen
  2. Click “Import”
  3. Click “Browse” and upload the attached “Galaxy-Workflow-DLA-Collections-test.ga”
  4. Click “Import workflow”

Running a workflow

  1. Download “PinnedInsect-TenRow-Example.csv” and move it somewhere accessible
  2. On the righthand side click on “Unnamed history” and rename it something sensible (like “My first workflow test”) so you have some context – consider a workflow like a mini project for a submitted dataset or testing
  3. Click on the “Workflow” link at the top of the screen
  4. Click on the run workflow button (looks like a blue rectangle with a white “play” arrow inside)
  5. Click on the grey folder button to the right of the field which has “No txt dataset available.”
  6. Click “Upload”
  7. Click “Choose local files”
  8. Select “PinnedInsect-TenRow-Example.csv” from wherever you moved it
  9. Click “Start” and wait for the status bar to go to 100%
  10. Click “Select” – you should see the dataset appear in your history with a green background
  11. Click “Run Workflow”
  12. Wait for a few minutes – the workflow will run through all of the steps (and substeps), each of which should go from grey (waiting) to peach? (running/in-progress) to green (complete)

Viewing outputs and downloading data

  1. Click on (what should be) Step 48 in your history once the workflow has run – it should have a title like “SDR Teklia worker-dla on collection 37 and collection 36”
  2. Click on one of the split_files – this should expand and give you more information
  3. Click on the tiny graph button with hover over label “Visualise this button” to the left of the “?” button
  4. Click ROI Visualisation – this should show you a visualisation of the regions of interest (ROI)
  5. Once you have finished looking at any of the split_files click on the link under the “History” heading “< Back to [your history name]”
  6. Click on the last step of the workflow labelled “sdr_output” to expand the workflow step
  7. Click on the tiny left most button with the floppy disk icon with hover over label “Download” – this should download a zip file containing a folder “Bundled_Collection”

Copy and edit the “PinnedInsect-TenRow-Example.csv” 1) Open file in Excel 2) Find some “standard pinned insect” images from any project – the recent micro macros would be great 3) Update the “Catalog number”, “ Image URI”, “Higher classification” fields (if you are feeling lazy or are short for time, just change the Image URIs – if you have the time, add in your name and ORCID)

Using the following test files: Test files.zip

llivermore commented 2 years ago

Initial test went well - tested external (non-NHM VPN/wired/wireless) and no firewall blocks.

Kate will share some feedback on the model/tool results an usability but these will be moved into a separate evaluation/UAT issue.

Next step is to add some additional users as per previous comments.

llivermore commented 2 years ago

Added initial users. Evaluation and further testing will be done in #100 and more broadly, as part of D8.4 #79