DiUS / pact-consumer-js-dsl

*DEPRECATED* A Javascript DSL for creating pacts, superceded by Pact JS
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Add nodejs support #21

Closed BenSayers closed 9 years ago

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

Summary of the changes I made:

I've never used gulp before so I may not have done things in the "gulp" way. I also had a lot of merge conflicts when rebasing against master so please check I didn't blow away anything accidentally.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Ta, will have a look at this tomorrow.

markdalgleish commented 9 years ago

FYI I've sent @BenSayers a PR (https://github.com/BenSayers/pact-consumer-js-dsl/pull/1) which converts this branch to use Browserify, based on the work from my previous PR. My motivation here is to make supporting both Node and the browser simpler in the long run.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Ok, whose should I merge first then?!

markdalgleish commented 9 years ago

Looks like there's some contention around the size of the compiled browser output in my version. My pull request shouldn't hold this one up, if this one is deemed suitable.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Ok, in the right place now.

When verification fails, is there a way to fail the test in an asynchronous world? In the example, if I take out the code that verifies that the response returned by the mock service is right, but make a wrong call to the mock service, the test should still fail, but it doesn't.

//updated example/karma.conf.js to

    files: [
describe("when there are no friends", function () {
        it("returns an error message", function (jasmineDone) {
          //Add interaction
            .given("I have no friends")
            .uponReceiving("a request to unfriend")
            .withRequest("put", "/unfriendMe2")

          //Run the tests
          helloProvider.run(function(pactDone) {

            function success(message) {
              //The success callback should *not* be invoked!
              // expect(true).toEqual(false); //COMMENTED THIS OUT

            function error(message) {
              //The error callback *should* be invoked
              // expect(message).toEqual("No friends :(") //COMMENTED THIS OUT

            client.unfriendMe(success, error);

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Hi Ben, just to summarise, I'm happy to merge this when we can work out a way to raise an error when verification fails. Thanks for your work on this.

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

@bethesque I mistakenly thought if you give an error to jasmine's done callback it will fail the test, I have updated the tests and they fail when expected now.

However upon reflection of this change I'm not happy with the way the error handling in the async world turned out. In the clean and setup stages of running the tests we don't have a way of communicating failure to the tests, so in this case I just throw the error. This is not a good thing to do as this is asynchronous code and we are in a new call stack so there is no clean way for the test to catch this and makes it hard to test the error handling. In the verify and write stages of running the tests we have the testComplete callback so I pass the error object to that. This means the test needs to ensure no error was passed.

I'm thinking we need to change the way errors are communicated back to the tests, but am not clear on the best way forward.

Some possible solutions I have in mind right now are:

      it("should say hello", function(done) {

          .uponReceiving("a request for hello")
          .withRequest("get", "/sayHello")
          .willRespondWith(200, {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
          }, {
            reply: "Hello"

        hellpProvider.onTestComplete(function (pactError) {

        helloProvider.run(function(runComplete) {
          client.sayHello(function (error, reply) {



I'm open to better ways of dealing with this if you think of any.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

I wish I had some better ideas, but this is not a style of coding that I'm very familiar with. If we were happy to make a jasmine specific plugin (which I am, if we can abstract it nicely for other libraries too), we could add an expect in the callback code with an appropriate error, that would fail the test if any of the administration calls to the mock service failed.

markdalgleish commented 9 years ago

Promises might be a good way to solve this. They would play nicely with something like jasmine-as-promised.

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

I'd rather not couple this library to jasmine, that seems like the job of something built on top of this if it turns out to be useful.

@markdalgleish how would you involve promise in the mix? I'm imagining you'd change the run method to return a promise indicating the success or failure of the test? The test would wind up looking like this:

helloProvider.run(function(runComplete) {
  client.sayHello(function (error, reply) {
}).then(done, function (error) {

This would look very similar if you changed the signature of run to accept two functions, one being the test and another being a finished callback.

helloProvider.run(function(runComplete) {
  client.sayHello(function (error, reply) {
}, function (error) {

The approach used by the jasmine-as-promised plugin is broken by the async api changes introduced in jasmine 2.

Right now I'm leaning toward adding a done method onto the MockService object which accepts a callback that we can pass the error to. I'll implement this and you can give feedback.

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

@bethesque @markdalgleish have a look at the latest commit and let me know what you think.

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

@bethesque just rebased onto the latest master. Anything else you'd like done before accepting this PR?

On a random note, it would be good if the pact mock server exposed a healthcheck url that we can call to determine when it is ready to receive requests. I had to put a timeout in to hold back the tests from running when the server is not ready, I'd like it to be less brittle.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

I was about to say, it does have a healthcheck URL, I added it the other day, but then I checked the code, and I realised it must be sitting on my home laptop, uncommitted. I will chase that up.

I'm still not entirely happy with the way this is working. I think the two step process will be confusing to people, and they'll not realise why they have to do the onTestComplete part.

That onTestComplete callback will be the same for every test using Jasmine, so it really could be a method on Pact that registers a global callback. What if we built a pact-consumer-js-sl-jasmine.js artifact, where that callback was set automatically? Then it can be called automatically when we call runComplete(done). It's actually more accurately onVerify.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Regarding the healthcheck endpoint - I have released pact-mock_service gem 0.2.4. If you hit the root URL http://localhost:XXXX with the X-Pact-Mock-Service header set, then it will respond with a 200.

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

@bethesque I'm not a fan of coupling this implementation to a specific testing language. The reasons behind this are:

What if we moved the fail test code into the beforeEach and passed the done callback to run?

The test would look like this:

describe('Client', function() {
  var client, helloProvider;

  beforeEach(function() {
    client = new ProviderClient('http://localhost:1234');
    helloProvider = MockService.create({
      consumer: 'Hello Consumer',
      provider: 'Hello Provider',
      port: 1234,
      pactDir: '.',
      done: function (error) {

  it("should say hello", function(done) {
      .uponReceiving("a request for hello")
      .withRequest("get", "/sayHello")
      .willRespondWith(200, {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      }, {
        reply: "Hello"

    helloProvider.run(function(runComplete) {
    }, done);
bethesque commented 9 years ago

I like that much better. Do you think it's more or less confusing to do this:

helloProvider.run(function(runComplete) {
BenSayers commented 9 years ago

The problem with having the done callback passed back inside the run callback is we are not able to get a reference to it when things go wrong in the steps prior to executing the run callback. This means we need to execute the run callback even though we know the pact mock server is not setup properly because without it we can't stop the test. This may result in a confusing failure because along with the error we generate there will be others genetated by the run callback. Worst case the run callback throws an exception and we never get the done callback at all, and the test fails with a timeout error.

To allow us to fail cleanly we need a reference to the done callback directly.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Right, that makes sense. How do we fail it at that stage then? With the done callback that the user provides as the mock service argument?

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

In the before we pass in a function that accepts an error argument and will fail the test if it has a value. So if we have an error early in the mock setup stages we will call this function handing it the error to fail the test then call the done callback to end the test.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

I think that's it. I really appreciate your work on this.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Let me know when it's ready to merge, as I don't get any alerts when there's a new commit.

BenSayers commented 9 years ago

@bethesque should be good to merge now

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Thanks. I'll look at it as soon as I have a moment. Once it's merged, there's a few simplifications we can make. The mock service now has a PUT /interactions, which will get rid of all the callbacks to set up the interactions sequentially, and there's now a 'pact-mock-service start' and 'pact-mock-service stop' task. The start task will block until the port is ready, so we can remove the 'wait for' stuff.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

This is looking good. Failing in all the right places when I deliberately mess up the tests.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Ok, I've merged this in, thanks for your awesome work Ben.

There's one thing that I'm considering - is it confusing or consistent to have a "done" function in the mock service, as well as in Jasmine? What do you think of "verify"?

beforeEach(function() {
  client = new ProviderClient('http://localhost:1234');
  helloProvider = MockService.create({
    consumer: 'Hello Consumer',
    provider: 'Hello Provider',
    port: 1234,
    verify: function (error) {
BenSayers commented 9 years ago

I have no objections to renaming the function to verify.

A story to add to the backlog should be to add api documentation so we can explain the purpose of this function clearly. I've had success using jsdoc-to-markdown for automatically generating the docs from the source.

bethesque commented 9 years ago

Good point. Firstly, we should add an explanation to the README.