DiUS / pact-workshop-jvm

Example JVM project for the Pact workshop
Apache License 2.0
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What users and password to use ? #6

Closed ccristian closed 3 years ago

ccristian commented 6 years ago

pactBrokerPassword pactBrokerUser

As i see it connects to https://test.pact.dius.com.au

Is there a way to create a test user of our own ?

Do we need it to run the samples ?


uglyog commented 6 years ago

You can sign up for a broker of your own at www.pact.dius.com.au, or you can run your own instance in a docker container. If you do signup, just put this workshop as the reference.

bedla commented 3 years ago

~I have been redirected to pactflow.io and registered there for free plan. but credentials i have choosen does not work. What am I doing wrong?~ Thx Ivos

What I found:

for java tests

@PactBroker(host = "ivosmid.pactflow.io", scheme = "https", port = "443",
  authentication = @PactBrokerAuth(token = "token-here"))

and for gradle scripts

pact {
  publish {
    pactBrokerUrl = 'https://ivosmid.pactflow.io'
    pactBrokerToken = 'token-here'
    tags = ['test']
uglyog commented 3 years ago

Step 13 has been updated to run against a Pact Broker in a docker container