DiabetesCompass / Diabetes_Compass

iOS code for type 1 diabetes management
MIT License
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Crashes when date/time edited #23

Closed calferness closed 7 years ago

calferness commented 7 years ago

If you click on the timestamp to edit it in either the entry mode or the edit mode, the app crashes.

beepscore commented 7 years ago

Appears to be in RMDateSelectionViewController showDateSelectionViewController: fromViewController: Podfile specifies pod 'RMDateSelectionViewController', '~> 1.1.0' github web site https://github.com/CooperRS/RMDateSelectionViewController/releases "Versions prior to version 2.0 These versions are quite old and there shouldn't be anyone still using this version."

beepscore commented 7 years ago

Updated pod. Crash is fixed in git commit #381871e In EditItemViewController delete RMDateSelectionViewControllerDelegate and add selectAction and cancelAction. TODO: In selectAction set date

beepscore commented 7 years ago

Fixed in git commits #892af9b and preceding