DiamondLightSource / SuRVoS

(Su)per (R)egion (Vo)lume (S)egmentaton workbench
Apache License 2.0
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GUI crashes when trying to annotate #107

Open zhoutunhe opened 3 years ago

zhoutunhe commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm following instruction in this video: https://www.jove.com/v/56162/volume-segmentation-analysis-biological-materials-using-survos-super

Everytime when I was at annotation step, SuRVos crashes when I clicked the pen button, the errror message is here:


I'm on windows 10, with SurVos installed from Annaconda following the installation instruction here https://diamondlightsource.github.io/SuRVoS/docs/installation/

Thank you very much for help in advance!

Cheers Tun

markbasham commented 3 years ago

Hi Tun,

Sorry about this, I don't know of a fix for this issue, and @OllyK who normally takes a look at this kind of thing is on leave at the moment. I will try to replicate the problem and get back to you.

OllyK commented 3 years ago

Hi again @zhoutunhe

If youhave access to the SuRVoS installation, as a temporary fix can you downgrade matplotlib by using conda install matplotlib-base==3.2.2 in the conda environment that you created for SuRVoS. It appears that something in matplotlib 3.3.2 is breaking things. I'll look into a more permanent fix.


zhoutunhe commented 3 years ago

Hi again @zhoutunhe

If youhave access to the SuRVoS installation, as a temporary fix can you downgrade matplotlib by using conda install matplotlib-base==3.2.2 in the conda environment that you created for SuRVoS. It appears that something in matplotlib 3.3.2 is breaking things. I'll look into a more permanent fix.


Thank you very much! It works now with your suggestion.