DiamondLightSource / SuRVoS

(Su)per (R)egion (Vo)lume (S)egmentaton workbench
Apache License 2.0
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the name 'size' should be 'vol' in stats and graphs #78

Closed wintun24 closed 4 years ago

wintun24 commented 4 years ago

In label splitter and level statistics, the volume of segmented object, bounding box and orientated bounding box are calculated but they are named as size/area. It is misleading for the users. It should be named as 'volume', not 'size/area'.

wintun24 commented 4 years ago

Again volume is calculated by pixel pixel slice number which is not the correct volume actually. The slice number should be changed into pixel value so that the result is in cubic pixel.

OllyK commented 4 years ago

Fixed in branch for version 1.5