DiamondLightSource / SuRVoS

(Su)per (R)egion (Vo)lume (S)egmentaton workbench
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manual correction mode #80

Open wintun24 opened 4 years ago

wintun24 commented 4 years ago

Not sure this is doable or not. What I would like to suggest is to have a 'manual mode segmentation' that can overrule 'predicted segmentation'. Currently, predicted segmentation is based on the pattern that we annotate. For example, if I annotate the black region as bacteria and gray region as background, the predicted segmentation would follow that pattern. However, there are quite a number of bacteria (with non ideal black color, therefore more similar to background), and they are predicted as background (i.e. undersegmentation of bacteria). When I correct these wrongly predicted bacteria (as background) by re-annotation, many background regions (real background) are then predicted as bacteria (i.e. oversegmentation of bacteria). This is becasue I re-scribble not very black regions as bacteria, so prediction follow that pattern. And then if I try to correct this again, it goes back to the first scenario of undersegmentation. So, i end up with either over/under segmentation. This issue could happen in most dataset as the intensity/pattern of individual objects vary much even they are same class. So, if there is a manual segmentation mode that can overrule trained-prediction, I thought I can get a more accurate segmentation. For example, I can start with under/over segmentation, then I use the manual mode for correction, which is, if i select a region as bacteria in manual mode, it will segment as bacteria (even though the pattern looks more like background). Whatever I segment in manual mode should overrule the trained-prediction. So, it is kind of like auto-segmentation that allows manual correction.

wintun24 commented 4 years ago

manual correction after predicted segmentation is ok to do in current survos version, but in a little bit odd way. First, do the prediction and save. Then annotate and predict again which will give the error message. Click 'ok' on the error message and save again. Afterwards, manual correction mode is on, and can change whatever change required. But this does ot work in expt version as expt version allows prediction after 'saved'.