When Hyperion adds a Mesh3D experiment to ISPyB, Synchweb initially displays it as a rotational data collection, only updating to a grid scan style after a refresh. We should detect that it is a grid scan immediately.
Treat the experiment type Mesh3d (ie hyperion grid scans) the same as Mesh (ie GDA grid scans)
Force both to display as grid scans, irrespective of the axis range and number of images
To test:
View a stopped Hyperion grid scan (eg /dc/visit/cm37235-4/dcg/13099843) check it displays in the style of a grid scan, ie space for a diffraction image and space for a crystal snapshot, no space for a graph of spot counts
View a completed Hyperion grid scan (eg /dc/visit/cm37235-4/dcg/13087189), check it displays in the style of a grid scan (ie unchanged)
View a GDA grid scan (eg /dc/visit/cm37236-4/id/15488302), check it displays in the style of a grid scan (ie unchanged)
View a "SAD" data collection (eg /dc/visit/cm37236-4/id/15488314), check it is unchanged from production)
View a "Serial Fixed" (eg /dc/visit/cy37017-1/id/15324649) and "Serial Jet" (eg /dc/visit/cm37275-4/id/14945838) experiment, check they are unchanged from production
JIRA ticket: LIMS-1463
When Hyperion adds a Mesh3D experiment to ISPyB, Synchweb initially displays it as a rotational data collection, only updating to a grid scan style after a refresh. We should detect that it is a grid scan immediately.
To test: