If a shipment has been uploaded as a CSV (or created by GDA), it doesn't have a safety level. https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/SynchWeb/pull/827 disabled the ability to queue containers in such shipments, but the message is not helpful, as it says "Cannot queue containers in shipments". We should make the message clearer.
Also, as already editing this file, I added some text to remind users to add PDB and/or sequence information to their proteins.
If adding/editing a container in a shipment with a null safety level, display a message advising users to set the shipment safety level
When a new container is created, remind users to add PDB and/or sequence information to their proteins
To test:
Go to a shipment with safety level 'green', eg /shipments/sid/59056
Click Add container, check the Queue For UDC checkbox is available
View an existing container, check the Queue button is displayed
Edit the shipment so that the safety level is red or yellow
Click Add container, check the Queue For UDC checkbox is not available
View an existing container, check the Queue button is not displayed
Go to a shipment with no safety level, eg /shipments/sid/58582
Click Add container, check the Queue For UDC checkbox is not available, with a message advising what needs to be done
View an existing container, check the Queue button is not displayed, with a message advising what needs to be done
Create a puck (in any shipment), check the notification reminds users to add sequences and/or PDBs.
JIRA ticket: LIMS-1489 JIRA ticket: LIMS-1506
If a shipment has been uploaded as a CSV (or created by GDA), it doesn't have a safety level. https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/SynchWeb/pull/827 disabled the ability to queue containers in such shipments, but the message is not helpful, as it says "Cannot queue containers in shipments". We should make the message clearer.
Also, as already editing this file, I added some text to remind users to add PDB and/or sequence information to their proteins.
To test: