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Deploy Coder Mounting Scratch Area #511

Open callumforrester opened 3 months ago

callumforrester commented 3 months ago

Test deploying coder on a beamline kubernetes cluster, mounting its blueapi scratch area and editing plans. Currently unsure if we can use coder's provided helm chart or if we will have to roll our own.

Acceptance Criteria

stan-dot commented 3 months ago

I recall doing some testing and then asking @DiamondJoseph to take a look - there was something about the chart at odds with how we use k8s

DiamondJoseph commented 3 months ago

It was something in the service account/ingress/rbac configuration sphere. But their Helm chart defers to a subchart (which is packaged with the chart...) that does all of the actual logic which makes it a nuisance to try and look in artifacthub. https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/coder-v2/coder

stan-dot commented 3 months ago

potentially relevant https://diamondlightsource.slack.com/archives/C03P6QB9589/p1662645670430099?thread_ts=1657290153.448169&cid=C03P6QB9589

DiamondJoseph commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure, but I don't think so from reading the thread- seems to be about configuring OIDC for services within kubernetes that are being forwarded to from configured IP addresses that are externally facing. Our external web -> k8s services infrastructure has moved a lot in the last couple of years.

It was one of the standard kubernetes resource definitions that wasn't configurable. I can try and run it up some time next week when I have time and see what Kyverno complains about?

callumforrester commented 3 months ago

We may also have to roll our own chart anyway to make sure all the plugins etc. we want go in

stan-dot commented 2 months ago

note: for the editor we might want to scan the uploaded code for vulnerabilities https://codeql.github.com/

callumforrester commented 2 months ago

I have been experimenting with this, it's not hard to throw up an instance of the coder code server on Kubernetes and include out choice of plugins, issues encountered so far:

stan-dot commented 2 months ago

why is 'only open source plugins' as an issue not a limitation? are there specific plugins that we miss?

wouldn't the authentication middleware just secure the entire URL? then we would not need to integrated OIDC inside the server

stan-dot commented 1 month ago

@gilesknap suggested using self deployed nano.

One other option would be https://onedev.io/ , which boasts ldap support. not sure about the plugins.

here is a k8s deployment guide https://docs.onedev.io/installation-guide/deploy-into-k8s

stan-dot commented 1 month ago

what it does do is helm install onedev onedev/onedev -n onedev --create-namespace its own namespace

which is problematic from the rbac perspective, @DiamondJoseph