Changed coniql dockerfile to use latest version of python 3.10 slim docker image. Currently we use just 3.10-slim, which uses the latest patch version that is available. Changing this to 3.10.13 will allow us to use the latest patch version, released in December, rather than 5 months ago, but also prevents any changes through patches that could break further down the line. I would like to do this in order to get patches available for CVEs that the Kubernetes scanner Stackrox has detected there are upstream fixes for.
Changed coniql dockerfile to use latest version of python 3.10 slim docker image. Currently we use just 3.10-slim, which uses the latest patch version that is available. Changing this to 3.10.13 will allow us to use the latest patch version, released in December, rather than 5 months ago, but also prevents any changes through patches that could break further down the line. I would like to do this in order to get patches available for CVEs that the Kubernetes scanner Stackrox has detected there are upstream fixes for.