DiamondLightSource / httomo

High-throughput tomography pipeline
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Potentially confusing print by YAML checker when checking a loader is first in the pipeline #515

Open yousefmoazzam opened 3 weeks ago

yousefmoazzam commented 3 weeks ago

There's a check that is making sure that the first method in the pipeline YAML file is a loader:https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/httomo/blob/2e15a80e8e96753bc8a0d13285209cdbd9a56434/httomo/yaml_checker.py#L102-L122

If the check passes, the message printed is: https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/httomo/blob/2e15a80e8e96753bc8a0d13285209cdbd9a56434/httomo/yaml_checker.py#L120

However, in the event that:

this message being printed is confusing, because "loader check successful" implies that the loader config is error-free, but in reality this is not the case.

I think the message should be updated to be more specific in stating that the check for the first method being a loader was successful, to avoid such confusion in cases where the check passes but other checks that involve the loader fail. Maybe something like:

Loader first in pipeline check successful