DiamondLightSource / python-copier-template

Replacing Diamond Light Source's python3-pip-skeleton using Copier
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Support tox v4 and add action to generate lockfile #168

Open coretl opened 3 weeks ago

coretl commented 3 weeks ago

At the moment we use tox to:

We considered using nox, but it doesn't have a parallel option at the moment as per https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/issues/544

We would like to add the ability to do something like tox -e lock to generate dev-requirements.txt as specified in https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/blueapi/pull/499

To do this we should should update to tox 4 and work out what changes are needed to support the current workflow, and also work out how to add a lock command that will not be run by the equivalent of tox -p

stan-dot commented 3 weeks ago

for the extra job something like this could work:

# tox must currently be configured via an embedded ini string
# See: https://github.com/tox-dev/tox/issues/999
legacy_tox_ini = """
envlist = pre-commit,type-checking,tests,docs

# Don't create a virtualenv for the command, requires tox-direct plugin
direct = True
passenv = *
allowlist_externals =
commands =
    pre-commit: pre-commit run --all-files {posargs}
    type-checking: mypy src tests {posargs}
    tests: pytest --cov=blueapi --cov-report term --cov-report xml:cov.xml {posargs}
    docs: sphinx-{posargs:build -EW --keep-going} -T docs build/html

direct = True
passenv = *
commands =
    # Replace this line with whatever command this job should run
    echo Running custom job tasks {posargs}
coretl commented 3 weeks ago

interesting, so does that mean that if you don't add it to the envlist then it won't run when you do tox -p?

stan-dot commented 2 weeks ago

possibly, will test soon