DianQK / Flix

iOS reusable form library in Swift.
MIT License
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How does Flix handle scroll ? #19

Open 10000TB opened 5 years ago

10000TB commented 5 years ago

TL;DR How does Flix handle scroll activity ? or does it provide sth like didScroll, didEndScroll, etc. ?

More: When I was trying to figure the above out, more things came to me: I found that if I set collectionView to current viewcontroller where all cells are built for, then all cells are messed up, so guessing the delegate for either tableview/collectionview is set somewhere, but cant seem to find it. The actual delegate be set to is: RxCocoa.RxCollectionViewDelegateProxy , any idea to port that to current view controller where we need to build nodes/cells ?

DianQK commented 5 years ago

you can use collectionView.rx.didScroll.

10000TB commented 5 years ago

Hey @DianQK would it be good if we add in a new section in main README to briefly document this ? so that new people who jumped in Flix won't be confused on where to find delegate methods when they are not familiar with rx.

I can make a PR, :)