DianaIonita / serverless-api-gateway-caching

A plugin for the Serverless framework which helps with configuring caching for API Gateway endpoints.
ISC License
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Problem in deploying ttlInSeconds and perKeyInvalidation #54

Closed ankitbhansali closed 5 years ago

ankitbhansali commented 5 years ago

Following are my global properties

custom: configFile: ${file(../config.${self:provider.stage}.yml)} apiGatewayCaching: enabled: true clusterSize: '0.5' # defaults to '0.5' dataEncrypted: true ttlInSeconds: 900 # defaults to the maximum allowed: 3600 perKeyInvalidation: requireAuthorization: false

and my function has these cache properties.

caching: enabled: true cacheKeyParameters:

  • name: request.path.proxy

The properties ttlInSeconds and perKeyInvalidation are not reflected on API Gateway console when i deploy this. All other properties can be verified. Can someone please suggest ?

akleiber commented 5 years ago

are the settings not reflected in the global settings or per method settings? take a look at API GW UI and check the method settings

ankitbhansali commented 5 years ago

Ooh ok method settings are correct. So only global settings are not updated. Got it. Thanks.