Diatrus / BetterRes

A modern resolution changer
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Random freezing when waking #7

Open shny-scott opened 5 years ago

shny-scott commented 5 years ago

When my 5S wakes, there's a chance it freezes and I have to wait for it to eventually respring. No buttons seem to do anything except for the sleep button, but after pressing it nothing will wake the system. On 12.0.1 (u0 dark 1.2.4 beta snapshot), I could use Activator to respring which would fix the issue, although that took a while as it was an actual respring rather than an sbreload. sbreloads also seemed to cause the issue 100% of the time on 12.0.1. I've since updated to 12.4 (and switched to u0 light) and the freezing issue persists, although I haven't installed Activator as compatibility seems spotty. On 12.0.1 plugging the phone in also caused a freeze, although that hasn't happened yet in my limited time on 12.4 (sbreloads don't freeze 100% of the time either). All freezing disappeared when BetterRes was not installed, although oddly it also seems to disappear in safe mode (only tested on 12.0.1, haven't entered safemode yet on 12.4 since installing BetterRes).