DiceDB / dice

DiceDB is a redis-compliant, in-memory, real-time, and reactive database optimized for modern hardware and for building and scaling truly real-time applications.
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Enable multithreaded Config not respecting toml #1094

Open codeasashu opened 2 days ago

codeasashu commented 2 days ago

I have following dice.toml config:

dice.toml ```toml Version = '0.0.4' InstanceID = '' [AsyncServer] Addr = '' Port = 7379 KeepAlive = 300 Timeout = 300 MaxConn = 0 [HTTP] Enabled = true Port = 8082 [WebSocket] Enabled = true Port = 8379 MaxWriteResponseRetries = 3 WriteResponseTimeout = 10000000000 [Performance] WatchChanBufSize = 20000 ShardCronFrequency = 1000000000 MultiplexerPollTimeout = 100000000 MaxClients = 20000 EnableMultiThreading = true StoreMapInitSize = 1024000 AdhocReqChanBufSize = 20 [Memory] MaxMemory = 0 EvictionPolicy = 'allkeys-lfu' EvictionRatio = 0.9 KeysLimit = 200000000 LFULogFactor = 10 [Persistence] AOFFile = './dice-master.aof' PersistenceEnabled = true WriteAOFOnCleanup = false [Logging] LogLevel = 'debug' PrettyPrintLogs = true [Auth] UserName = 'dice' Password = '' [Network] IOBufferLength = 512 IOBufferLengthMAX = 51200 ```

and I am starting the server as: go run main.go -c dice.toml.

Expected behaviour

2024/10/14 23:05:33 INFO configurations loaded successfully.
11:05PM DBG The DiceDB server has started in multi-threaded mode. number of cores=8
11:05PM INF RESP Server successfully bound Host= Port=7379
11:05PM INF DiceDB ready to accept connections on port resp-port=7379
11:05PM INF Websocket Server running port=8379

Actual behaviour

2024/10/14 23:12:23 INFO configurations loaded successfully.
11:12PM DBG The DiceDB server has started in single-threaded mode.
11:12PM INF DiceDB server is running in a single-threaded mode port=7379 version=0.0.4
11:12PM WRN DiceDB is running without authentication. Consider setting a password.
11:12PM INF HTTP Server running addr=:8082
11:12PM INF Websocket Server running port=8379

The EnableMultiThreading = true isn't having any effect on the dice startup

codeasashu commented 2 days ago

@kaushal-003 I am working on this