Dicebar / Raven

Raven add-on for World of Warcraft
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Fixes for 10.2.5 #57

Closed arnvid closed 7 months ago

arnvid commented 7 months ago

A small fix for CheckAura->CheckAuras in Cancel.lua Fix for changes to UnitAura that is compatible with 10.2.5.

arnvid commented 7 months ago

Not sure why the main.lua file gets to be so big. must be some formating from vscode :(

Dicebar commented 7 months ago

Your IDE converted the line endings from Linux-style (LF or \n) to Windows-style (CRLF or \r\n). I don't use VSCode myself, but this guide seems to explain how to fix it.

Of course, this repo is inconsistent in that regard. Some files (like Cancel.lua) do have Windows-style line endings, which makes it impossible to define a standard for the repo in its entirety. However, keeping it consistent within the files themselves keeps the git log clean and makes it easier to diff.

I really do recommend updating to Linux-style endings by default, as that is the industry standard for coding.


Anyway! I do appreciate the fix, thank you kindly. It helps a lot :-)

I fixed the line-endings locally and made a squash merge to remove those changes from git's history, so your individual commits will unfortunately be missing from the master branch. I prefer to give credit where credit is due as much as possible, so instead I referenced your username in the commit message itself.

Again, thank you :-)