DickinsonCollege / FD2School-FarmData2-F23

FarmData2 provides support for the operation and certification requirements of small organic farming operations.
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FieldKit Tab: Test for FieldKit Sub-Tabs #29

Open braughtg opened 1 year ago

braughtg commented 1 year ago

FarmData2 adds the FieldKit tab to the farmOS user interface.

This test should check that:




Additional Information:

Some additional notes relevant to this issue:

Zivanovic8 commented 9 months ago

Group 1 will work on this ticket.

aidanbennettjones commented 9 months ago

Since the HTML data generated on the page is done through farmOS, that means there will not be any "data-cy" attributes and they cannot be added. What are some effective ways to "cy.get" the HTML element for the tab? Is this time-efficient?

anemervontage commented 9 months ago

You can use alternative approaches for Cypress' "cy.get" which can include using unique attributes, IDs, classes, or CSS selectors associated with the tab element. It would work the same, and I don't think efficiency would be affected, but having "data-cy" attributes does make things easier.