DickinsonCollege / FD2School-FarmData2-F23

FarmData2 provides support for the operation and certification requirements of small organic farming operations.
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Seeding Report: Test Cancel Seeding Log Edit #31

Open braughtg opened 10 months ago

braughtg commented 10 months ago

The Seeding Report allows the values within a seeding log (i.e. a row) to be edited by clicking the “Edit” button (i.e. the blue pencil button). When a row is being edited the “Edit” button changes to two buttons. The “Save” button (the green check mark) will save the changes to the database. The “Cancel” button (the brown X) discards any edits and does not change the database.



Additional Information:

Some additional notes relevant to this issue:

bkollmar commented 7 months ago

CBM would like to work on this.

calebloring commented 7 months ago

In the notes section of this issue it adds that the test must enter data into the form and use submit button. I believe that this is a mistake and is supposed to say to use the "Cancel" button. Is there possibly a mistake in either the title referring to testing the cancel button or the "Notes" section which says to use the "submit" button?